So what about your nicknames?
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I'll start with mine!
Well, during school, I was pretty creative and liked subjects like literature and art;
however, I somehow liked physics too, and after graduation, i decided to study physics because ... well, I actually don't really know. Sure it was interesting but maybe i just couldn't stand the idea of me not being able to succeed in this subject, because it was said to be very hard; and after all, tell your parents that you want to start your career with literature, film making and art .... yeah, not that of a great reaction.
And yeah it was hard, a subject with a lot of pressure and high rates of people who quit. But i managed to do my bachelor and thought i was somewhat happy.
I started my master studies, wasn't satisfied, moved to a real bad-ass elite university and just HATED it there; people were working like machines, the atmosphere was just horrible and i didn't like it at all;
nevertheless i completed my exams (it was damn hard...) and covered a lot of advanced courses, looking for the "big love" .. a topic i can go on and do research.
Because that was my plan for life: becoming a scientist, doing my phd;
my favourite subject was general relativity and quantum field theory, and i liked the fact of combining both , hence my nickname "quantumgravity".
However, I never found the "big love" and after a very hard year, i realized that i'm just not a scientist... doing physics was nice, but it will never make me happy for the future, so i'm somehow done with it and still have this nickname, lol.
Now i'm going to start what i always wanted to do... grab a part time job and the rest of the time, i'll make films, write, act....
and think about free software of course!! Won't change my nickname though ;) still think it's a quite fascinating topic.
Ok, now it's your turn :P
Ask my wife about my nickname. :-p
Magic Banana said:
Ask my wife about my nickname. :-p
I suspect not enough fertilizer in your soil to grow.
Stop the guessing game! LOL
I managed to actually find banana magique's picture :)

Unless she's around in the trisquel forum, you'll have to do the job yourself, mb! ;)
How did you get transformed into a banana??
It was pure bawdiness... and is not actually the real reason for the nickname: "Magic Banana" is the answer to the funniest riddle ever (don't argue), i.e., "What is yellow and can go through walls?". I have really loved this stupid riddle since I heard it for the first time. I was 14. I asked it all the summer long to any "friend" I would make during my vacations in a campground. They then called me like that and I have kept the nickname since then (in particular whenever I have needed a user name on the Web). That was almost 18 years ago...
i was and still am a cat
this got me the nickname cat
This a riddle:
When a cat knows he is a cat?
the first time they see another species to compare themselves with
well that’s 30 mints gone :(
Good one
My nickname "Jodiendo" is a family expression in our native language. That was "pass-on", since the 16 century according to my dad in our family.
Me estas JODIENDO! Con tus Jodiendas!
are you named after the band or the guy?
yep- 2 things I like: Into the wild and the band :)
You get a +1 for into the wild ... awesome film and awesome soundtrack
My nickname is from my name and the CTRL key.
Are you are an analog input or digital output?
I thought it was because you use the ctrl key so much that it got worn out :(
p.s - 'sup with the troll hole on irc. did it have any success at all?
I keep the IRC up in the background whenever I'm on my computer, but it seems no-one's come on.
Oh, and I finished 1984. Good book!
i just had a look and yeah... it's kind of silent!
you have to join! and bring your brother jodiendo, too!
quantum - eddie vedder made an awesome soundtrack indeed. Long nights is such a great song! :)
jaded - 1984 is great! :) Did you read "We" by Evgenij Zamjatin?
Just downloaded it! I'll start reading it here soon. :)
My username is a play on the term "Click of death," where the hard drive head repeatedly loads and unloads because the drive is failing. I chose this because it obviously couldn't happen with a solid state drive.
Funny, huh?
how do you do the crossing out thing?
I had to take a screenshot of the text and draw a line through it with GIMP. There's no strikethrough tag for this forum software, unfortunately.
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