Starting T7 GNOME Shell

12 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

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Beigetreten: 06/19/2015

How do I start GNOME Shell in Trisquel 7?

I installed GNOME.

sudo apt install gnome

But, when I select "GNOME" in LightDM, I am immediately returned to the
display manager's login screen. GNOME does not start.

How do I start GNOME?

Beigetreten: 11/06/2012

Wayland or Xorg?


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Beigetreten: 06/19/2015

How do I check?

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

It must be Xorg. I actually use GDM as a display manager. However I used to use LightDM (or was it on Trisquel 6?). I switched to GDM to:

  • get a "lock screen" button in the menu;
  • get notifications on that lock screen (configurable from "Brightness & Lock" in the "System Settings").

Anyway. Try GDM.


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Beigetreten: 06/19/2015

How do I switch to GDM? Can I get that tasksel menu or whatever it was
up again?

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

Is the "gdm" package installed? If not, install it and you will be asked whether you want to switch to this display manager. Log out and log in after choosing the GNOME session.

If "gdm" is already installed, then reconfigure it from a terminal:
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm
You can then reboot or execute the following commands in a "real" terminal (for example the one you get by typing Ctrl+Alt+F1):
$ sudo stop lightdm
$ sudo start gdm


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Beigetreten: 06/19/2015

sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm

This worked.

sudo stop lightdm

This crashed i3 and left me with a black screen on the X display.

sudo start gdm

I had to do Ctrl+Alt+F1 to do this command.

GDM started successfully. GNOME does not start. Entering login
information still returns me to the login screen.

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key:

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

It is normal that stopping the display manager stops the graphical session. Are the "gnome-session" and "gnome-shell" packages installed?


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Beigetreten: 06/19/2015

gnome-shell is installed.

cal@leela:~$ apt search gnome-shell
gnome-shell/belenos-updates,now 3.10.4-0ubuntu5.2 amd64
graphical shell for the GNOME desktop

gnome-session is installed.

cal@leela:~$ apt search gnome-session
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
gnome-session/belenos-updates,now 3.9.90-0ubuntu12.1+7.0trisquel2 all
GNOME Session Manager - GNOME 3 session

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

No full partition (the 'df' command tells)? I start to run out of ideas...


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Beigetreten: 06/19/2015

Attached as dfoutput.txt. Not much was freed, even after

guix gc

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key:

Beigetreten: 11/06/2012

Easy way. Log in. Try Alt+F2 and press R for restart. If it works its Xorg.

Beigetreten: 11/29/2017

With stock Trisquel 7:
After you have run...

sudo apt-get install gnome

...and selected gnome (gdm I think) in the thing that pops up in the terminal-- reboot.
Next to the password field you should see a small circle with a gear in it (or something like that) that wasn't there before. Click it and select Gnome.
Then login like normal. If you login automatically you will need to temporarily change your settings to require a password (or find another way to do it).
You might only need to logout instead of rebooting-- I don't remember.