
4 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 08/18/2020

I starting using KDE, either by installing from the Triskel iso directly, or by adding the Triskel environment using "sudo tasksel". Overall, I am very positively impressed. Unlike what I was fearing, on my T400, it is not slow at all.

After a little searching, I found how to configure the panel and could reach exactly what I like. People who like fancy animations are probably happy and people who don't can set the "animation speed" to "instantaneous" and there is no animation at all. I also found a native tiling extension (need to install the kwin-bismuth pacakge) that looks easy to use.

Meanwhile, I had two issues with the Triskel installer:
- the box to type the passphrase for ciphering had no text at all, one needs to guess what this box is for
- typing the passphrase did reset my choice of disk, so that I installed Triskel on the wrong disk (and it completly overwrote a disk I wanted to keep)

I don't know how popular the KDE Trisquel edition is, but I find it really nice.


I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 08/18/2020

I just want to add that after installing plasma-workspace-wayland, there is the option in gdm to start a plasma (KDE) session on wayland and it seems to work fine. From now on, I'll use this on my laptop on which Xorg tends to crash.

So far, the only issue is with keepassxc that can't do autotype in wayland, so I installed the extension for abrowser. It is slightly more complicated but it works.

Pablo G

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 05/16/2012

Hi Avron

I use Trisquel and Triskel. I find useful the second one for editing videos in kdenlive for example in a desktop PC.
My videos are in Makertube (Peertube):

I like trains and models.


I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 08/18/2020

I have not played with trains for a long time, your videos make me go back in time :)

Did you try using kdenlive in a MATE session?

I found that gwenview is a convenient app to look at a collection of photos, when I installed it on Trisquel MATE, it installed a lot of packages of the KDE environment but it seems to work fine even in a MATE session.

Pablo G

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 05/16/2012

I like have fun with free software as a useful tool. I see all people publishing in Youtube...but not me!

About mixing up Trisquel and Triskel...I was annoyed when installing one program from KDE in Mate and the many the packages that are necessary.
I want to experiment two different worlds in different hardware. At the moment I use Trisquel in a X200 and Triskel in a more powerful PC.