Trisquel 11 battery indicator: words were nice in the previous version

18 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 02/01/2022

Dear Forum people,

This is a piece of uncommitted complaining.

In Trisquel 11, the battery indicator (in the indicators panel item in the bottom right corner) is one of a variety of icons, like a cellphone. As far as I know, it is not resizable; please fell free to correct me if I am mistaken.

I dislike learning to distinguish between small, apparently undocumented pictures. If the complete list is documented somewhere, please feel free to correct me.

In the previous version, I liked being able to have permanently displayed the status and times in words and numbers. What is the best way to pass this feedback into the process of future development?

Beigetreten: 02/09/2022

I also apreciated that in previous versions you could mouse-over the battery indicator to see a tooltip with battery status information, and the tray clock could easily be configured to show date as well as the time.

I understand that you can still show date by changing hidden settings and also show battery percent in tray but there is no user friendly UI for this and there is no option for show battery status tooltip on mouse-over like in previous Trisquel as far as I know.

> As far as I know, it is not resizable; please fell free to correct me if I am mistaken.

I think there is a hidden setting for change size of tray icons but it is not consistent eg. maybe you can make some icons like battery and home bigger/smaller but other icons like volume stays the same size, but I have not tested to confirm this yet.


I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 08/18/2020

In the power preferences, there is an option to always show an icon, if you select it, mouse over it shows a percentage.

Generally, I would appreciate a way to get the percentage always visible in the mate panel.

Beigetreten: 02/09/2022

Sadly, even when I select "always show" the battery icon, I cannot get the tooltip on mouse over to work for me. I don't know why it works for you and not for me!

You can display the percentage always using

dconf write /org/ayatana/indicator/power/show-percentage true

Sunny Day
Beigetreten: 01/05/2023

dconf write /org/ayatana/indicator/power/show-percentage true

That is great to learn sid, thank you for that too!


I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 08/18/2020

Thanks, it works.

About the tooltip on mouse over: it is not over the icon where the percentage appears with the dconf command that you kindly provided, it is another icon that appears in another applet.

In general, there are 2 applets that, in the French version, have nearly identical names and seem to have the same function but some apps go into one while other apps go into the other:
- notification applet/general notification applet: 2 applets with exactly the same contents except for the time that only appears in the "general" variant. I have Nheko, Seafile, Quassel and KeePassXC there
- notification area: I have Gajim and Redshift there

I have a battery icon in the "notification applet" and if I select the "always show icon", I have another one in the "notification area". The percentage is shown when moving the mouse over the icon in the "notification area", not above the icon in the "notification applet".

Beigetreten: 02/09/2022

> About the tooltip on mouse over ... it is another icon that appears in another applet.

Thanks for demystifying this for me!

> In general, there are 2 applets that, in the French version, have nearly identical names and seem to have the same function but some apps go into one while other apps go into the other:

Wow, that is so confusing!

> The percentage is shown when moving the mouse over the icon in the "notification area", not above the icon in the "notification applet"

Was the "notification area" already installed or did you download that? (It seems I am the only person here not currently going around with 2+ clocks, 2 battery icons and 2 notification areas/applets, and now I don't want to be left out.)


I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 08/18/2020

I'd like to correct my previous message: in the "notification area", I have Gajim and calendar notifications from Evolution. Redshift has a completely separate icon.

Beigetreten: 05/20/2022

The Redshift icon appears in the notification applet, which is present by default on a fresh install.

I believe that the "notification area" has to be added manually. Similarly, there is only one clock by default, as long as you do not add a separate clock on the panel.

Sunny Day
Beigetreten: 01/05/2023

I understand that you can still show date by changing hidden settings

Could you please let me know where to find the hidden settings you mentioned and what to change, so it shows the full date (time, day, month, year)... I have been wondering about this!

Beigetreten: 02/09/2022

dconf write /org/ayatana/indicator/datetime/show-date true
dconf write /org/ayatana/indicator/datetime/show-day true
dconf write /org/ayatana/indicator/datetime/show-year true

You can also use the dconf editor if you prefer a GUI but it is still nowhere near as user friendly as right clicking the clock, clicking preferences then clicking "Show the date" like in previous Trisquel!

Well... actually this is also possible...
You can right click the panel, click "add to panel", add "Clock" and now you have two clocks! The new clock which we just summoned up is more familiar to us from past Trisquel versions and you can easily show or not show the date by right clicking it and going to preferences. But unfortunately the new FSF/MATE clock which we summoned up does not integrate nicely into the tray with the other indicators and people sometimes judge you as eccentric if you go around sporting two clocks in your tray.

Beigetreten: 05/20/2022

> people sometimes judge you as eccentric if you go around sporting two clocks in your tray.

Well, I had ten clocks of various shapes and types all around my desktop, but people still found me rather dull. So I did: sudo apt purge ayatana-indicator-datetime and now I only have nine clocks. In your case, that would be just one clock left, I guess, and probably just the one you wanted.

Sunny Day
Beigetreten: 01/05/2023

10 clocks sounds divine!+!!!!!!!!!

sudo apt purge ayatana-indicator-datetime

Thank you for the optional single clock too prospero!


EDIT: Looking at the 2 clocks on the panel and smiling, they are winning, at least for now.

Sunny Day
Beigetreten: 01/05/2023

Sporting two clocks sounds marvellous, thank you sid!! That was very very helpful!!

Eccentric by nature here, so very happy to join the club and am over the moon for having so much time!

Beigetreten: 05/20/2022

Right click on the clock > Preferences and tick the "Show date" box.

Sunny Day
Beigetreten: 01/05/2023

My other clock didn't have such luxury, time only... glad to have one that offers all options!

Beigetreten: 05/20/2022

Right, that ayatana thing does have room for improvement. I must have swapped those clocks right after install, which was some months ago from a beta version of Aramo, sorry for the confusion. I also like the possibility to add various timezones and look at the world moving on. Also, week numbers.

Beigetreten: 02/09/2022

Your other clock does have this option but it is more of an easter egg, you need to change the dconf settings as I showed above

Sunny Day
Beigetreten: 01/05/2023

I see, yes, thank you for the reminder!

I might try it later, as I am enjoying having the time on the right end of the panel and date+time on the left end... not bad at all for someone who tends to be lost in time :)