Trisquel 11 fresh install: black screen after Grub
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Hi Trisquel users!
I tried to install Triskel on my new PC (which also runs Windows). When I wanted to "Install Trisquel" or "Try Trisquel without installing" the screen turned black.
However, "Install Trisquel" with the "nomodeset" edit worked and I could complete the install until it asked me to reboot.
When I rebooted and chose Triskel from the GRUB menu, the screen turned black again immediately.
How could I solve this?
My setup is a Intel i9-10900X with an nvidia GeForce GT 1030.
EDIT: If I go to recovery mode and start Trisquel from there, startup seems normal. Only thing is that the screen resolution is very low and I can't change it in the settings.
From the recovery session, add the keyword nomodeset to the variable GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT defined in /etc/default/grub. That command should do it (but you can use your favorite text editor instead):
$ sudo sed -i '/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/ s/"$/ nomodeset"/' /etc/default/grub
Then, regenerate the GRUB config file:
$ sudo update-grub
Thank you Magic Banana for your quick help. I can now normally boot Trisquel from the GRUB menu. However, my display settings still tell me "1024x786 is the only resolution supported by this display". Is there any way to change the resolution to a higher one?
You could try to upgrade the kernel, see if you can then boot without nomodeset in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT and if higher resolutions become available. Trisquel 11's default kernel is at version 5.15 but version 5.19 is in its repository or you can install an even newer following the instructions on
Following the first option, you can execute in a terminal:
$ sudo apt install linux-image-generic-hwe-11.0
$ sudo sed -i '/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/ s/ nomodeset//' /etc/default/grub
$ sudo update-grub
Hmm, I installed the newest kernel available (6.4.0-gnu) but still get a black screen when I try to boot without nomodeset. (Same with Version 5.19)
When I try to select any kernel from the Advanced boot mode in the GRUB menu I get stuck at "Loading initial ramdisk" every time.
Does anybody maybe have another idea or do I just need to get used to 1024x768px? ^^
You could acquire a (used) video card that a free driver/firmware better supports. may help. For instance the GeForce GTX 960 was apparently already working well (with 3D acceleration) with Trisquel 8:
Next time you buy an Intel processor, choose one with a graphical chipset.
If you want to keep digging I would recommend to open an issue in the bug tracker.
Cool, thank you for your support. I just realised I have an old graphic card that used to work with Trisquel in another PC. I'll try that. If it does the job of displaying higher resolutions I'm already happy :)
Unfortunately I bought my newest PC without free software in mind. Now I know what to look for next time.
Well, I guess that question "what comes next?" is getting harder to answer as the time keeps passing by.
Unless, you can afford some Talos machine I guess the options on completely compatible machines are few and the ones running some free bootloader even more reduced, with some models that keep adding years.
The x86/_64 ship is slowly sinking... maybe arm or ppc64el could be the answer, we'll see.
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