Trisquel 7 and new homepage - gratz!!
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Finally new release and new shining homepage on
Congrats - thanks for all the effort to the developers!!
I like the new style - it is sooo trisquel!!
:) Exciting!
I didn't see Tor listed under the feature list. I wonder what happened. It looked like that was going to be included.
It looks like the Tor Button is still packaged with the [optional]
Icecat. But Icecat is not the default browser as was initially
I'm curious, what is the reason for keeping Abrowser the default?
Quotes Ruben, the BDFL, on the topic and is as much as I know.
The new website looks awesome! Great job! :)
Oh very swish indeed.
yeah, it's beautiful!
Well done,
thanks and congrats !
Congratulations! Downloading now, and about to upgrade both of my computers. :-)
Great :)
Tkx guys!
Every documentation page now has an "up" button at the bottom. To go up one level in the documentation. Useful!
I made a Slashdot submission (please upvote it if you can :-)
I just want to say the new site looks great, and I'm so happy to be a member and to be apart of this. Thank you!
I was hoping that there Copy from Trisquel(gnome) in one language like Trisquel6
W00t! Congratulations & well-done. (=
So... when is Trisquel 8 coming? I KID I KID! DON'T HIT ME!!!
November 2016 at this rate, I reckon (that's a serious answer).
When it's ready. (A not-so-serious answer.)
I like your answer better. :)
I wanna thank those who do their contributions in background and we do not see them, especially Ruben.
I think the front page of the new website is excellent!
However, I encounter problems when I got to any other page, like the forums, downloads, or documentation. My Trisquel-mini computer is an old one that runs at a 1024x768 screen resolution, and at that size, that website pages have an enormous amount of empty space between content columns, which are so thin that some things become unreadable.
I've attached two files to this post. The first is the top of this thread, showing what the columns usually look like on my desktop. The second is a nested comment on another thread, showing what some nested comments look like. There is so, so much blank space, and the comment has a wrap width of only 13 characters.
I like the new design, but remember, some of us still have to use older machines with older monitors, and we like to be able to read things, too.

Yea- it's pretty bad. The problem is even worse at 640x480.
For some reason, on Midori in Trisquel 7, it's not as bad (I had written the comment while downloading that ISO and using Trisquel 6). No idea why that is.
I also question the pink bar at the top of the page. I understand that it's the very top of the background used on the pages, but as the rest of the website is based in blue, and as you scroll down, the background changes to blue anyway. The pink bar looks really out of place unless you're looking at the very top of the page, too.
Just some thoughts.
Looks good all! I am excited to download the newest Trisquel and install it!
The new site is awesome. Thank you! :-)
I found something strange
I open trisquel iso Image
I found files from trisquel6
and the Release file in iso
Origin: Trisquel
Label: Trisquel
Suite: toutatis
Codename: toutatis
Version: 6.0.1
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 03:44:17 UTC
Architectures: i386
Components: main
Description: Trisquel GNU/Linux packages
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0 main/binary-i386/Packages
7029066c27ac6f5ef18d660d5741979a 20 main/binary-i386/Packages.gz
91f5d05163a3e7d3cef24b7b1c498402 142 main/binary-i386/Release
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0 main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages
7029066c27ac6f5ef18d660d5741979a 20 main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages.gz
27d58e50709d18eb98859c77cca82b90 65 Contents-i386
1fd31403618fd8b765b0738230f5a085 36 Contents-i386.gz
da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 0 main/binary-i386/Packages
46c6643f07aa7f6bfe7118de926b86defc5087c4 20 main/binary-i386/Packages.gz
3c943f9ffb2dce8ea6f3e2b427a8e2ef2030aabc 142 main/binary-i386/Release
da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 0 main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages
46c6643f07aa7f6bfe7118de926b86defc5087c4 20 main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages.gz
fae4412e63f2f45c1e651dbd256890008330cf4b 65 Contents-i386
971e263d7f444314afabcbf4a73376a4dba3b2e5 36 Contents-i386.gz
e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 0 main/binary-i386/Packages
59869db34853933b239f1e2219cf7d431da006aa919635478511fabbfc8849d2 20 main/binary-i386/Packages.gz
0c0e7ae946b80dbbef3327489f8e95d6efc290143672666dcbf30734a21ef5e9 142 main/binary-i386/Release
e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 0 main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages
59869db34853933b239f1e2219cf7d431da006aa919635478511fabbfc8849d2 20 main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages.gz
cf13e85fc3cdf7bc0182ba23034b735b2544edbc0074dcbe617974164ae3be9f 65 Contents-i386
44818733e04c03289b19184fc4f4d7cd61e9496fd94bc254744cd5c7d10c2ab6 36 Contents-i386.gz
Some file is old
I'll just drop a link to the official announcement/changelog here in case anybody missed it
Thank you to everyone involved. Stay free!
Just when I screwed up with my beta version the official version is released. Thank you so much!
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