Trisquel needs to be rebooted and based on Ubuntu 18.04
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Trisquel 8 isn't fully out and its based on the soon to be 2 year old Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. At this point, it may be wise for the Trisquel team to start fresh with concentrating on the newer Ubuntu 18.04 code when it releases in April 2018.
I hate to have seen this project die out and these forums not be about releasing anything in the past few years. Has Reuben given up? Does he care? If not, we shouldn't be held hostage by his lack of care.
If there are people who still care about Trisquel, do something. Anything.
Wow this is really not helpful. Don't forget you are emailing a list of
volunteers, your not returning a broken toaster at Walmart.
For what it is worth, I am very grateful for all the hard work that has
gone into Trisquel. It's been grate for my business and home!
Wish I was in a better position to donate :(
Even if you'll give a small donation of a million dollars to Trisquel, it will still be deep behind the Ubuntu. I'm seeing so many +100 euro donations but its' just a waste of money and despite all these donations there is still no Trisquel 8. Donation is an investment, and in this Trisquel case its' a very poor one
t3g, if you came to the Freedom Fridays meetings you would not be saying these things. You don't even show up to the meetings on IRC and instead sit on the sidelines and complain.
18.04 will be Trisquel 9.
> 18.04 will be Trisquel 9
When? XXII century?
Repeating, with one more bullet, what I wrote three months ago in
t3g, you are tiresome:
How about you spend less time attacking people personally and more getting a free software OS out the door?
Why don't you also help with getting a free software OS out the door? Even if you didn't contribute, but at least ***showed up*** for the Freedom Friday meetings (even if you didn't participate in the meeting but simply watched), you'd already know the answers to the questions you started this thread with and could see what's happening. The meetings are open to the public after all. But no, you don't want that because it's easier to sit on the sidelines and do nothing while complaining that others aren't working hard enough, fast enough, or whatever. Your complaining messages don't motivate people to help, don't help the new version come any faster, and if anything is a distraction. If you don't think things are going well enough for you then you're free to fork Trisquel and see if you can do a better job at it. You've been going along complaining too long. Its time to either put up or shut up.
t3g is half right, jxself. Your time and energy is too valuable to waste on this pointless thread. Thanks for all that you do, and ignore the haters.
How ironic! The five threads you created to complain that quidam is not working fast enough certainly helped a lot to "get a free software OS out the door".
Or they could finish the Trisquel 8 release and then start work on Trisquel 9...
Seems perfectly reasonable to me, given how close Trisquel 8 is to a release.
name at domain wrote ..
> Or they could finish the Trisquel 8 release and then start work on
> 9...
> Seems perfectly reasonable to me, given how close Trisquel 8 is to a
That's what they're trying to do. I suggested it, and I got gung ho
about getting into Trisquel development because I wanted to stop being
a part of the problem and start being a part of the solution.
But the X200 kernel panics in running VMs. :(
I agree with t3g that Trisquel should be based on an up to date version of Ubuntu, so that it will be compatible with new software and libraries (without requiring messing around with unofficial repositories). t3g, if you need more up to date software libraries and packages in the meantime you can try the stable Hyperbola distribution (based on Arch with Debian patches but not a rolling release) or the rolling release Parabola. Waiting for releases of Trisquel, which has cut down on releases since version 6 (beforehand they also had non-LTS releases such as 5.5) to focus on long term releases, and has also stopped providing releases in a timely manner (Trisquel 8 should have come out half a year after the Ubuntu it is based on was released which is almost 18 months ago), seems a wasted effort at this point in time.
What exactly are you agreeing on? Everybody with half a brain "agrees" that T8 is late. That goes without saying.
It doesn't follow that the OP is right about much anything. He's been complaining about it, we know about it and there's nothing more to do about it.
I use T8 on my HP laptop. It works and I'm quite happy with it.
Looking forward to the next iteration, T9. They say they are speeding up its development.
loldier, I agree with t3g that it might be better to prioritize the release of Trisquel 9 over releasing both Trisquel 8 and Trisquel 9, since Trisquel 8 is based on an almost 2 year old system. Since Ubuntu LTS releases are supported for 5 years, Trisquel does not need to offer all the versions, but when it does release a new version it is preferable that it is based on an up to date release so that once installed the user can use it for almost 5 years. Trisquel 8 will only be usable for up to 3 years because it is based on a 2 year old release.
> But I wonder to seem that
> discussion stopped on the way in spite of not having a valuable and
> reasonable conclusion.
You are somewhat new to the forum, so you may not realize that this discussion has been had many times already. I think many of us would find it boring to continue to have it again, and there is no point because Trisquel 8 is days from being released.
Trisquel 8 came later than Trisquel releases normally do. We all know that. As long as it is released before Ubuntu 18.04, the development of Trisquel 9 has not been delayed. The circumstances that delayed Trisquel 8 have changed, so Trisquel 9 will probably be released faster. There's not much else to say that hasn't already been said.
> so the delay forced to
> basing Trisquel 8 on Ubuntu 16.04.
Not exactly. Trisquel 8 was always going to be based on 16.04. It just took longer than usual. Trisquel 9 was always going to be based on 18.04, which is why development of Trisquel 9 can't begin until 18.04 is released later this month. Normally, versions of Trisquel are released about 6 months after the corresponding Ubuntu release[1].
> Could you tell me that how the circumstances was improved?
From an announcment[2] several months ago:
"The good news is that at the FSF my workload has normalized through this last year, and now I have regained the time to commit myself to weekly development meetings and
other necessary work."
> is there something which we (even begginers) can do
> for it?
We can help wrap up Trisquel 8 development by testing the newest ISOs[3] and reporting[4] any remaining bugs.
Writing and translating documentation is another way to help. Would you be interested in translating documentation to Japanese?
> And it has nothing to do with it but do you like Cuban
> music?
I'm not familiar with much Cuban music. Do you have any recommendations?
> I am interest in translating of course. It seems fun. But I have
> thought that it is difficult for me to translate that since my
> English skill.
How comfortable do you feel with understanding the English documentation yourself? For example, this page:
> Then I might ask david san.
Yes, I think he would be the person to ask.
> It seems you
> are also one of the main characters of the project though, I don't
> know well.
No, I am not. I just post here a lot. :)
> Every Cuban musician has exceptional skill. Literally exceptional.
> You might like it.
Thanks for the advice. :)
MSuzuqi wrote:
"But I have thought that it is difficult for me to translate that since my English skill."
Your understanding of written English seems pretty good to me. As long as you can understand the English text that needs translating, I'm sure you'd do a great job of expressing its meaning clearly in Japanese.
> They say they are speeding up its development
speeding up: snail speed --> turtle speed?
Come on.. Deblobbed Buguntu 8 will be ready in a year or so.. What's the hurry? After all it's only been 700 days since it's base came out :D
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