Trisquel stats : Let's unite!

2 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 01/03/2010


Just got to some random website that does a statistic about the uses of GNU/Linux distros on desktop computers, to show the mainstream public that we are more than 1% in the world.

Trisquel is in the list of possible distributions, I think that if mainstream media found this, It could be quite interesting to have Trisquel in one of the most used distros ( maybe make some company think about releasing their source code?)

So please go to : and add your voice as a Trisquel GNU/Linux user, tell your friend to do the same and let's show that we aren't some random 22 years old communists living in mommy's basement \o/


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 07/15/2009

El mar, 05-10-2010 a las 21:45 +0200, name at domain escribió:
> Sup!
> Just got to some random website that does a statistic about the uses of
> GNU/Linux distros on desktop computers, to show the mainstream public that we
> are more than 1% in the world.
> Trisquel is in the list of possible distributions, I think that if mainstream
> media found this, It could be quite interesting to have Trisquel in one of
> the most used distros ( maybe make some company think about releasing their
> source code?)
> So please go to : and add your voice
> as a Trisquel GNU/Linux user, tell your friend to do the same and let's show
> that we aren't some random 22 years old communists living in mommy's basement
> \o/

Done! :D
Generally i like the idea :P

Luis A. Guzmán García
¡Se Libre! --

Beigetreten: 11/09/2009

> name at domain
> escribió:
> > Sup!
> >
> > Just got to some random website that does a statistic
> about the uses of 
> > GNU/Linux distros on desktop computers, to show the
> mainstream public that we 
> > are more than 1% in the world.
> >
> > Trisquel is in the list of possible distributions, I
> think that if mainstream 
> > media found this, It could be quite interesting to
> have Trisquel in one of 
> > the most used distros ( maybe make some company think
> about releasing their 
> > source code?)
> >
> > So please go to :
> and add your voice 
> > as a Trisquel GNU/Linux user, tell your friend to do
> the same and let's show 
> > that we aren't some random 22 years old communists
> living in mommy's basement 
> > \o/
> Done! :D
> Generally i like the idea :P
> --
> Luis A. Guzmán García
> ¡Se Libre! --
> GPG Key: EB153FAF
