Trisquel tablet
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Are there any tablets that run Trisquel or another distribution of GNU/Linux?
There is the PengPod, but they are not getting enough funding to make their tablet, and the other two tablets they made are discontinued.
There is also the Vivaldi tablet, which has the same issues - Not enough funding, lots of demand for tablets
Any others? Maybe ThinkPenguin could make one?
Replicant doesn't have much (any?) GNU in it. It's more Android/Linux rather than GNU/Linux.
Actually, unlike the GNU system, Android was defined to be using Linux as its kernel. GNU, on the other hand, was defined as using GNU Hurd as its kernel.
So, since Android is defined as employing Linux as its kernel, it mustn't be called Android/Linux.
And, the same goes for GNU. Since GNU is defined as using Hurd for its kernel, it mustn't be called GNU/Hurd.
"it mustn't be called Android/Linux."
Please keep context in mind here. The comment was intended toward the "Replicant is based on Android, which is based on GNU/Linux." Taken in this context I'm sure you'll be able to see how the comment makes sense. :)
" mustn't be called GNU/Hurd."
Actually, that's not true: GNU/Hurd is a valid term. Reference "GNU Hurd is not the same as GNU/Hurd" to gain some understanding and insight:
"...was defined as using GNU Hurd as its kernel."
With Linux-libre becoming an official GNU package back in 2012 I think that's been redefined as GNU having two kernels now, similiar to how it also has two desktops (GNOME and GNUStep.)
I am specificially looking for a tablet that runs GNU/Linux, or even better, dual booting.
There is lots of gnu/linux software that would work great on a tablet. There are various on-screen keyboard programs, and LXLauncher would also be great for tablets - a start menu would be impractical but the Lxlauncher interface is very similar to the interface on a very popular brand of tablets.
There is also Minitube.
Dual boot would be best, as there are some android-only programs I use, like BBC iplayer. I know it is "defective by design" but I like watching tv at a time that I choose.
Most tablets use ARM processors which are heavily Android based. There are some Ubuntu and Debian versions for ARM that some tablets use. Check ebay and go from there with the product names you find for further research. Aliexpress also.
On 26/10/13 01:01, name at domain wrote:
> Most tablets use ARM processors which are heavily Android based. There
> are some Ubuntu and Debian versions for ARM that some tablets use. Check
> ebay and go from there with the product names you find for further
> research. Aliexpress also.
99.*% of these tablets are GPL violating. Read luke's rants on the
Rhombus-tech mailing list:[=1&TOPDOC=10&xP=Zgpl%09Zviolat&xFILTERS=Alkcl---A
I want a tablet too. The only one I recommend getting is
Unlike other tablets this one is future prof. It's upgradable. Pop out
the old CPU card which you can then cheaply reuse in another
case/product or in your own project or sell on. Pop in your new one.
Cost wise I expect it to be around the same as these other tablets but
cheaper in the long run.
Best and most important fact for last: Rhombus-tech are a free software
and prefer free hardware project (whatever they do will be free hardware
but some ones else’s cpu card or case might not be. I belive that's the
how/what it is.).
Read the wiki and the join the mailing list for more info
I have an ideas of mine mindmap @:
Do mention you want to buy on the Rhombus-tech mailing list.
It will get there. Hardware exists already. There doing revisions and then ramp
into production. I believe everything (ie manufacturing) is in place. If
people didn't want to wait, then a load of £££££ would speed the
rhobmus-tech project up but other wise they will work away and get it
done, just slower.
So help fund the future :) instead of a com that doesn't care about you
bbc yuck via xmbc addon:
I don't see why the toolchain would matter at all for most tablet use cases, and unless you wanna hook up a mouse and keyboard most desktop software don't run all that well with a touchscreen. At least Android apps are actually made for the touchscreens.
That said, I'd second the vivaldi tablet.
There are much more good free programs for GNU compared to Android.
Currently I'm using a PengPod 700 tablet for daily use and for developing a better system for such devices. The officially recommended system for PengPod 700 is unstable, inconvenient and not pretty, but it's fixable. Even so, all typical GNU software I've used are usable with the touch-screen and the system is more useful overall compared to Android.
On-screen keyboard and regular desktop programs?
That reminds me: I'd like to dress a tablet GNU+Linux-libre system to look like SolarOS from _TRON: Legacy_.
PengPod has shut down, after their failed crowd-funding.
The Dell Latitude ST actually runs Trisquel GNU/Linux pretty well. The only thing I had trouble with was getting the auto rotate to work. On-screen keyboard and other things seemed to function just fine. It even supports wifi cababilities using the free drivers provided by Trisquel GNU/Linux because it has an Atheros wifi adapter. You may be able to pick one up fairly reasonably because they had poor performance with Windows 7.
Do you have the tablet? If you do, could you put it in h-node?
Yeah, I guess I could do that, when I get a chance I will do it.
I have added my laptop a Dell Latitude 6430u to h-node. I will have to wait to add the tablet though.
Do you actually have this tablet?
How do you install Trisquel on it? With a memory stick? Then how do you get BIOS? Can you connect a keyboard?
I assume that as it works fuly with Free software? Does the HDMI and cameras work?
What connectors does that tablet have?
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