Upgrade to Trisquel_9 obliterates my cpanel data
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Rest assured: On my computers that have not received the version upgrade, my cPanel data
remains intact.
On my computers that have received the upgrade, cPanel expects me to re-enter all my
email account information as though I had never used cPanel before.
This happens to the other trisquel operating systems on the same computer: Trisquel_7
and Trisquel_8 as well as Trisquel_9.
I thought that only the Microsoft operating systems exhibited this predatory behavior.
Presumably the upgrade applied to just one partition on one hard drive has changed data
on other partitions and even on other hard drives.
The upgrades from Trisquel_7 to Trisquel_8 some years back did not do this.
George Langford
After about an hour online with my ISP's extremely patient Tech Support person,
she suggested that I try a different browser ...
Konquerer opens my email acess page in cPanel with nofurther ado.
That points the accusing finger of suspicion at ABrowser ...
Suggestions are welcome.
Magic Banana was right. cPanel changed the email page layout so as to make it unreadable.
Not a Konquerer problem at all.
I confirmed the situation by opening the cPanel page with a different browser on a different
computer running a different operating system.
George Langford
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