"Verify Trisquel Download" Page Needs updated

3 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 07/28/2024


Doing the following commands for new users seems to not have worked for me

wget https://archive.trisquel.info/trisquel/trisquel-archive-signkey.gpg

gpg --import trisquel-archive-signkey.gpg


a@b:~/Desktop$ gpg --verify '/home/a/Desktop/trisquel_11.0.1_amd64.iso'
>gpg: no signed data
>gpg: can't hash datafile: No data

Ended up having to do:

a@b:~/Desktop$ read '/home/a/Desktop/trisquel_11.0.1_amd64.iso.sha256'
(copied and pasted 259e769fda834b14ae38a94543deb7072599cb759b8dde2c4a547e710cb7aea5 for later reference)
a@b:~/Desktop$ sha256sum '/home/a/Desktop/trisquel_11.0.1_amd64.iso'
>259e769fda834b14ae38a94543deb7072599cb759b8dde2c4a547e710cb7aea5 /home/a/Desktop/trisquel_11.0.1_amd64.iso

Basically, had to manually compare the hashes. Not sure why gpg was breaking, but had to consult ChatGPT to get verify the ISO. Should this page be rewritten?

Beigetreten: 07/28/2024

Likewise, the "creating a live USB" docs to check md5sum is bad. After formatting the USB, the "cd into the directory" does not make sense.

My solution was to do:

a@b:~$ cd /media/a/trisquel\ 11.0.1\ amd64
a@b:/media/a/trisquel 11.0.1 amd64$ md5sum -c md5sum.txt
casper/vmlinuz.netinst: OK
casper/initrd.netinst: OK
casper/initrd: OK
casper/filesystem.squashfs: OK
casper/filesystem.manifest: OK
casper/vmlinuz: OK
casper/filesystem.manifest-remove: OK
casper/filesystem.size: OK

Again, ChatGPT saved me.

"To change your current directory to a mounted file system or device such as /dev/sdc1 on Ubuntu, you don't actually cd into the device itself. Instead, you navigate into the mount point, which is a directory where the file system is accessible. In your case, the drive /dev/sdc1 is mounted at the path /media/a/trisquel 11.0.1 amd64. Here’s how you can navigate to that directory:"

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

Trisquel's documentation is a wiki: you are invited to improve it! To edit one of its manuals, just click the "Edit" button at the top of it.

Beigetreten: 09/13/2010

a@b:~/Desktop$ gpg --verify '/home/a/Desktop/trisquel_11.0.1_amd64.iso'

Please know that this does not align with the instructions provided on the wiki. It's important to adhere to the guidelines accurately to avoid any issues. According to the wiki, the `gpg --verify` command requires two parameters: the .iso file and the corresponding .iso.asc file, which contains the cryptographic signature. Both files must be downloaded in order for GPG to successfully perform the verification, the full command would be (with both files):

gpg --verify trisquel-netinst_11.0_amd64.iso.asc trisquel-netinst_11.0_amd64.iso

It's important to manually specify the .asc signature file just to protect against malicious actors who may attempt trick you into thinking that the verification was successful.