Ways to fight against Skype. My crazy idea.

2 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 05/03/2013

1. Run and set up a web server on your PC.
2. Use a special service for the domain for case of dynamic ip.
3.Give a link to the user of Skype.
4.Then s/he will open the link, the browser will run Flash/Java/Ajax/HTML5-based Ekiga-like software.
5.Now you can chatting!

There are difficult moments, but I think that they can be significantly simplified. For example, create a script to automate the installation and configuration of the web server.

This method is designed specifically for lazy and craven Skype users, like my friend.

What do you think?

Beigetreten: 04/08/2013

Or give him link to IRC webchat: problem solved.
Really, there are milions of chat solutions out there (web based or not).

Beigetreten: 05/03/2013

I think you are not understood all might of the idea.

When I says "Now, you can chatting!", I mean audio and video chat. Plus text chat and file sharing.

There are many people who are forced to use Skype because their interlocutors can not / do not want to install the SIP client. But we can embedding SIP-client into web-page.

Is there a ready-made software in order to arrange such communication through its own server? If so, give me the link.