We're back: uruk gnu/linux 3.0 alfa 2is Here

4 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 01/18/2014

I know what you're thinking
Maybe we left this world like Our team friends
Maybe we left the project
Or maybe we traveled to a parallel world Where are our companions and copies of ourselves
Such a thing never happened
Many say that light brings software bugs
But darkness brings loneliness, a sense of loss
yes, I Say it honestly
The curse fell upon us and the darkness took us
He pulled our hands hard and took us inside
But we strongly resisted
And we came out to you with a new version, new rebuild  of Uruk gnu/linux , it's uruk gnu/linux 3.0 alfa 2
 with mate desktop.
I feel you wondering ..... new rebuild? new rebuild?
I will not tell you .... find it yourself
And now it's your turn to go from waiting to testing
Were waiting for your replies
have fun and be free

Beigetreten: 02/12/2015

Wow, what an interesting distro! Does it still have the Package Manager Simulator that allows users to install rpms or source code or other packages? That's the most interesting package management tool I've heard of in awhile.

Beigetreten: 05/02/2018

I tried several times to install Uruk 3

At each test (by Virtualbox and hard), when Calamares launches, it requires 4G of RAM. But I have more than that...

Beigetreten: 05/02/2018

It's one thing to ask for feedback, but answering it is better!

Beigetreten: 02/22/2022

I installed it on an 11 year old PC with only 3 GB Ram.
I have tried approx. 5 times till it was possible to install.
I used the whole harddisk and it created 1 GB of boot partition and the rest for root. It didn't create a swap partition.
There was a warning at the installation that 3 GB of Ram is too few, it needs 4 GB, and probably some program's wouldn't work or will be disabled.
After installing I could not open Libreoffice and also some adjustments on the menu icons on the desktop don't work.
Probably my PC is too weak, and it would be good to install it on a PC with 4 GB Ram.