What is the name of the default swap partition?
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I deleted my swap partition because I have an SSD and have been experiencing an unusual amount of hard restart-requiring system errors. I suspect this is the cause so I need to reformat my swap partition. Is it just named 'swap'? I don't know what else could be causing these errors. Thanks.
Why do you think the swap partition is faulty? In normal conditions, the system should not swap. Anyway, there was no need to delete anything: 'sudo swapoff -a' disables swapping on all swap devices and files. Also, swap is not "formatted". It is not a filesystem.
I am not sure what you mean by "name of the swap partition". Maybe the first field in the related line of /etc/fstab? You can specify the device there, e.g., "/dev/sda1".
What are the "errors" you are referring to? Lines in a log file? If you show them, you may receive help to diagnose the problem.
Try running 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda' and show the output here. If you have a swap partition it should show it. You can use swap files now instead of a partition but it will depend entirely on how you setup your system during the install.
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