Which app to watch DVB-T TV and list to DAB+ radios?
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I tried using a USB device with an RTL2838 chip that can demodulate and decode DVB-T and DAB, connected to the antenna on the roof of my building (the device has a tiny antenna connector, I use an adapter cable to connect a standard TV antenna cable).
With vlc, if I select acquisition device (not sure this is the English name, my interface is in French), DVB-T and set a proper frequency, I can see a TV channel.
However, I have not found out:
- how to select a TV channel among the ones multiplexed on the same frequency
- how to listen to DAB+ radio channels
I searched DAB in Trisquel repositories, all I found was:
- dablin: dablin_gtk opens but I cannot select anything
- iowelle.io: it seems to be about SDR for the RTL2832u chip which is not what I have, so I have not tried
Is there any reasonably convenient app to watch DVB-T TV and listen to DAB+ radios on Trisquel using a USB DVB-T/DAB adapter? Ideally, it should be possible to enter the frequencies as channel numbers, which is what is advertised usually.
Maybe you want the package dvb-tools?
You should find that it contains dvbv5-scan to scan for channels and also dvbv5-zap to watch them.
Using these it could even be possible to automate recordings. One possible way is described on https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=302540
Note that this isn't Trisquel-specific. The software's the same as on any other distro.
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