Which desktop for the next Trisquel?

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Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

I searched the website/forum but could not find any decision about the next Trisquel's desktop of choice. Should Trisquel follow Ubuntu Natty (to be released in ten days) and use Unity? Should it use Gnome 3 (released 12 days ago) with its supporters but many detractors too? Should it switched to KDE that has evolved quite a lot since the buggy 4.0 release and was recently integrated into Triskel? Maybe Xfce is the desktop that would allow the smoother transition between the current Trisquel and the next one...

Have you recently tried these desktops? Any feedback?

Of course the ultimate decision will be quidam's. But that does not prevent us from (gentlemanly) expressing our opinions. Furthermore, quidam may not have the required time to assess every option in depth.

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

I forgot to write it in the subject but I believe the essential criterion of choice is the compatibility with the Free radeon/nouveau drivers. I believe Xfce does not raise such a problem. What about the other choices?


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Beigetreten: 01/04/2011

I believe Xfce would be the best choice.

Christopher Adams
Beigetreten: 04/14/2011

I assume you are talking about the 'pro' version of Trisquel, which apparently uses Gnome. Personally, I am using the 'mini' edition, which uses LXDE. I like this desktop, and hope it continues as the default for Mini Trisquel.

I'm not familiar enough with the technical issue to say if XFCE is more compatible with free software drivers. But if LXDE is fairly compatible, perhaps it should be considered for Pro Trisquel also.

-- C.A.

Beigetreten: 04/07/2011

On 18/04/11 06:47 AM, name at domain wrote:
> Should Trisquel follow Ubuntu Natty
> (to be released in ten days) and use Unity? Should it use Gnome 3
> (released 12 days ago) with its supporters but many detractors too?
> Should it switched to KDE that has evolved quite a lot since the buggy
> 4.0 release and was recently integrated into Triskel? Maybe Xfce is the
> desktop that would allow the smoother transition between the current
> Trisquel and the next one...
> Have you recently tried these desktops? Any feedback?
> Of course the ultimate decision will be quidam's. But that does not
> prevent us from (gentlemanly) expressing our opinions. Furthermore,
> quidam may not have the required time to assess every option in depth.

I asked in the IRC channel what the plans where for adopting unity, and
was told that Quidam had previously stated that Trisquel would be moving
to Gnome 3, but NOT using Gnome Shell (which requires 3D support).

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

A great option I have not envisaged. :-)


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Beigetreten: 02/01/2011

I believe that Mint 11, another Ubuntu derivative, will follow the same path (gnome3 without the shell).


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Beigetreten: 03/27/2011

I like this option. I have used Gnome Shell and found it to be very attractive, but not good for a power user. Seemed like everything took more steps than it needed to, and especially more steps than in Gnome 2.

Beigetreten: 04/14/2011

Iam glad to hear this as i dont like unity but want gnomme without the shell as well


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Beigetreten: 09/05/2010

Hi all,

gnome 3 is working without the shell. For the next release there's nothing special cause the upstream 11.04 uses gnome 2.32.

For the 5.5 version trisquel could use the gnome 3 fallback desktop which supports 3d and non 3d desktops. It is like gnome 2 with many improvements.

so once again time will tell ;)

Beigetreten: 09/23/2010

I've been using KDE on Trisquel for the last 8 months and i can say its quite stable. But IT IS NOT SUITABLE FOR THE DEFAULT DESKTOP EDITION. Though i like KDE very much, i say that because it raises the minimum hardware requirements, and is a lot more flashy than gnome. Also it doesnt have a really good browser(Konquerer and rekonq suck, really). Also i've been using GNOME-shell now n then since it first appeared, and i must say that the latest one is really,really good, even for a power user. It also sports a fallback mode for non-composited desktops but it's not so good(maybe it can be improved with gconf, or GSettings). Ubuntu's unity also has a fallback mode for non-composited desktops, but it's more of a netbook or touchscreen interface and isn't suitable for a desktop with a large screen IMHO.
Also there's a problem with moving to gnome3 as natty's repos dont contain any significant gnome3 stuff, so a lot of work is needed to put those packages in our repo. But if enough community support is there, we can go Mint's diection of providing the classic gnome3 desktop, and i think it would be the best choice if we'e able to pull it through.
P.S. XFCE is also a good choice, it works with compiz too. :)