Will a usb headset work in Trisquel?

3 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 12/17/2013

I need to buy a usb headset for school, and as far as I can tell there should be no problem with just a simple logitech headset working with Trisquel right?

Beigetreten: 05/30/2013

I have a Logitech G35 USB headset which works great with Trisquel. That's the only USB headset I've tried so I don't know how well other headsets work.

Beigetreten: 06/02/2012

I once tried an logitech usb and I also have a usb sound card they both
show up as "Planet UP-100, Genius G-talk"


I am a member!

Beigetreten: 04/23/2011

There is a USB audio standard that most headsets should comply with. Unfortunately there are devices that don't comply so you might run into a problem. As always model numbers don't equal chipsets. I don't believe we have USB headsets in our catalog. The closest thing we have is a USB microphone and it is USB audio standards compliant. As such it works with any recent OS out of the box (well, it'll actually work with stuff from 10+ years ago too, as it is a very old standard, I believe).

In any event the above headsets may be an option for you. If they aren't available you can probably 'risk it' at a local store and return it if it doesn't work.