Youtube-dl télécharge Js player
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Bonjour ;-)
J'ai remarqué que pour certaines vidéos lors de leurs téléchargement via le terminal avec Youtube-dl, il est indiqué
Downloading js player
Et cela m'intrigue car ce n'est pas systèmatique, alors que d'autres téléchargements indiquent
Extracting video information
Un fil dans le forum Anglophone indiquait que Youtube-dl pouvait éxecuter du JS non Libre lors du visionage in situ (non pas le téléchargement )
Anhang | Größe |
Downloading_js_player_Youtube_dl.png | 237.92 KB |
Extracting_video_information_no_js_player.png | 206.95 KB |
La discussion sur #youtube-dl IRC freenode pourtant (a confirmer)ne me satisfait pas, (manque d'information supléméntaire), il semble qu'un JS soit belle et bien executer (Libre ou pas!)
Extrait :
Hi everyone i just have a question about why i get Downloading js (javascript player) on certain videos while on other downloads i just get Extracting video information ? thanks ;-)what actually is this js player ?
10:39 Some services use javascript that isn't easily reverse engineered (eg. security keys)
10:40 GPG keys in javascript ?
10:42 why do i need Javascript on a MP4 download?
10:43 What site are you downloading from
10:43 mu point is if i download Javascript, can this be malicious?
10:43 *my
10:43 site from Youtube
10:43 The only JS that is downloaded is from Google themselves.
10:45 thanks xxx, nevertheless what does that JS do afterwards? once downloaded in a ~/home/Downloads/
10:45 Nothing. It gets downloaded, interpreted, then deleted
10:46 You mean VLC, MGnomePlayer or any othet media player will execute that js ?
10:48 No
10:51 Yes, it downlaods javascript, interprets it, then deletes it. That is all. It is necessary to download the video. THe video has no traces of the javascript.
La solution serait-elle ? :
Run youtube-dl with --write-pages to dump any downloaded pages
Oh, I just must chime in, AGAIN, now. I couldn't resist, needed to make an memè :P

You're the best .. SuperTramp83..hahaha..!
Thanks ;-)
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