youtube without flash functionality GONE

21 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 08/27/2010

I have come to rely on the greasemonkey script the past months but after moving to another OS I have found that I cannot get it to work. Nor can I get the script to work on my brother's Trisquel 4.0. I get as far as the black screen as if it is going to load, but it never does. Please help if you can, i am not going to go running back to Adobe, so this is all i have. Thanks


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Beigetreten: 08/30/2010

Why do you use the greasemonkey script? If possible, install the IcedTea (NPR Web Browser Plugin) and Gnash 0.8.8 (GNU SWF Player) from Synaptic.

Beigetreten: 08/27/2010

in my experience, at least without the IcedTea, gnash has never worked, not even 8.8, on my laptop. maybe it takes too much cpu?


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Beigetreten: 12/28/2009

Since Trisquel 4.0, this userscript no longer initiates Totem.

Instead, download this add-on, then open its preferences window. Change Replace Method to Embedded, change Quality to Medium or Low, and change Plugin/Mimetype to WMP (application/x-mplayer2). Then embedded Totem will work, with a few disadvantages (no skipping ahead in the video, no replays, video has to be in fullscreen mode to view its length).

I'm going to update the Play Videos Without Using Flash manual shortly to reflect this.

Beigetreten: 10/02/2010


Both encode videos to Ogg, which can take awhile, so it isn't an instant option.


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Beigetreten: 07/27/2010

Try flash video replacer ( You have to install the latest version 2.0.2. It hasn't been "approved" by mozilla but the latest approved version 1.0.7 doesn't work with the most recent changes. Another good thing about this version is that it has an option that if your browser supports webM, which it will in the future, it has the option to default to that.

Beigetreten: 11/30/2010

Try adding an exception in your browser to not accept YouTube cookies. I've noticed this works again:

Click Edit > Preferences > Privacy section > Exceptions > Enter the You Tube address and click Block.

Beigetreten: 07/26/2010

Which greasemonkey script is that? The Linterna Mágica greasemonkey script, mentioned in Play Videos Without Using Flash has been updated and is working with youtube. Don't forget to check for new versions of the software you are using when you have problems/find bugs.


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Beigetreten: 12/28/2009

That script has some advantages over FlashVideoReplacer like allowing you to skip back and forward, but the big drawback is that you have to wait for the whole video to load before it plays.

Beigetreten: 07/26/2010

>but the big drawback is that you have to wait for the whole video to
>load before it plays.

Video plugins handle network streams and buffering differently. Totem plugin downloads the entire video. VLC starts after few seconds of buffering. In YouTube it usually stops when the middle of the movie is reached (for unknown reasons) and starts again from the beginning. The second time it plays the entire movie. Months ago I used gecko-media-player (not in Trisquel) and it used to start after filling the buffer. Recently I've tested it again and wasn't very happy with its behaviour. My experience shows that VLC works best.

Beigetreten: 11/30/2010

I installed Trisquel 4 about a month ago and YouTube worked out of the box just by blocking their cookies. I always try that first. That trick stopped working with Trisquel 3.5 last year, seemed to work again for me with Trisquel 4 and Gnash. Although Flash still doesn't work with many other web sites, only YouTube and some others.


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Beigetreten: 12/28/2009

When HTML5 becomes the new standard for embedded videos on the web, Flash will become much less significant. It can't come soon enough. :)

Beigetreten: 11/30/2010

I agree, its a pain to have to install Flash and a plethora of other plugins ... Adobe Acrobat Reader, Real, Java, etc.... thats one thing I don't miss about Windows! : ) (That and having to waste another 5 hours of my life installing Office apps and updates)

Adrian Malacoda

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Beigetreten: 12/26/2010

Personally I use Minitube. The version in the repo is outdated, but a fairly recent one can be found here: (i386) (amd64)

Beigetreten: 10/01/2010

I can play Youtube videos using gnash if the player is embedded in the web page. For example, I go to, click on the flash player at the front page and voilá! Youtube is working.


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Beigetreten: 12/28/2009

For whatever reason, YouTube videos embedded on other websites are SWF 8, while those on the main website are SWF 9 except for the ones on users' profile pages which are SWF 10 (so they don't play at all).

Beigetreten: 03/16/2011

Acabei de fazer a atualização do trisquel e as funcionalidades do flash foram para o espaço, como tirar o conflito, alguén sabe o path do flashplayer para deletar e instalar outro


Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

I guess your problem would be solved by deleting the cookies from YouTube and preventing this site from saving others. At least that solved my problem. If FlashVideoReplacer remains an issue, just desactivate it (add-ons in the tool menu of the Web browser).

Entende ou precisa do português? ;-)

Magic Banana

Beigetreten: 07/26/2010

magicbanana@[nospam] wrote:
> I guess your problem would be solved by deleting the cookies from YouTube and
> preventing this site from saving others. At least that solved my problem. If
> FlashVideoReplacer remains an issue, just desactivate it (add-ons in the tool
> menu of the Web browser).

Recently I've examined the embedded codes YouTube makes, and discovered The problem with this site is that it only loads
at a dedicated video page. So, for example the video clip about the
Trisquel 3.5 "Awen" release [1] will be translated as [2]. As the domain
suggests, it does not require cookies. Enjoy!


Beigetreten: 03/19/2011

Merhaba,I found a solution to the problem of kullanıyorum.Flash 4.5 trisquel I said:

1) Firefox browser plug-in, disable FlashVideoReplacer.

2) the founder of this address with the package to download and install flashplugin-nonfree_2.8.3 your package.

3) açın.Tamam restart Firefox.


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Beigetreten: 02/25/2010

That package downloads the non-free Adobe Flash plugin; that's why it's not available in Trisquel.

Beigetreten: 03/28/2010

I just want to say that Gnash 0.8.9 was just release yesterday. one of the things that have done is improved performance so you might find it works better now.