Nautilus crashes when transfering large amounts of data.

Zugewiesen:nicht zugewiesen

Nautilus stops responding and does not wake up after trying to transfer around 8GB+ of image files. This happens when moving, deleting, or copying.

I have tested this on an Acer AS1410 and a Dell studio xps 435mt.On both 64 and 32 bit versions.

This operation can lead to data corruption and loss.

The same results did not happen in ubuntu.

Is there any sort of report I can generate for this?

Mi, 01/19/2011 - 19:30
Status:active» patch (needs review)

Today I fixed a bug in trisquel-gtk-theme that generated a bug in exaile running on 4.5, and it may be weirdly related. The bug consisted on the gtk theme failing to send the refresh event on a progress bar.

Since the nautilus bug seems to be that it fails to come up with the progress window (it can happen with external disks, network shares or even the same disk, not sure what triggers it), and as with the exaile bug it doesn't happen in Ubuntu, it could have been fixed.

Please do tests with trisquel-gtk-theme_4.0 and trisquel-gtk-theme_4.0-1
I'm attaching the first one, since it is no longer in the repos.

Mi, 01/19/2011 - 22:46
Mi, 01/19/2011 - 23:19
Status:patch (needs review)» closed

Tested by hound via irc, it fixes the problem.

So, 01/23/2011 - 02:15

Tested, thank you very much. This is the second bug I have personally came across in your distribution that has been fixed within a reasonably short time from of discovery. Truly amazing.

PS, nle is short for namelessentry: the reporter.