Dee Kylie

Bild des Benutzers Dee Kylie

Persönliche Informationen


I am an old dog learning new tricks. I was programmer from the 1980's to about 1990, mostly in assembly for the MOS6502, Zilog Z8 and Z80 (totally different beasts), Intel8051, M68000, and terribly interested in Free Software and systems programming on Linux and microkernels. Actually, interested in basically everything but am concentrating on C, Objective-C, threads, Gtk and XCB,and multiprogramming. I want to use only Free Software but am slack on my self-discipline. Here to learn more.

I would like to develop software for modelling living systems using a massive heap of cheap computers networked. Would prefer to use strictly only Free Software to do it.


Mitglied seit
9 Jahre 24 Wochen