
TypBeitragAutorAntwortenZuletzt aktualisiert
Forum TopicLibrebox (with Coreboot) - Hello Again aliasbody14vor 6 Jahre 11 Wochen
Forum TopicTrisquel 9 Needs A Name jxself71vor 6 Jahre 33 Wochen
Forum TopicI talked about free software and digital security in schools. xdknight5vor 6 Jahre 40 Wochen
Forum TopicWeb Browser MD. SHAHIDUL ISLAM162vor 6 Jahre 48 Wochen
Forum TopicPublic consultation on "open" internet Fil5vor 6 Jahre 51 Wochen
Forum TopicReplicant (unofficially) at FOSDEM '18 Fil3vor 7 Jahre 1 Tag
Forum TopicWhy big corporations are against SalmanMohammadi5vor 7 Jahre 22 Wochen
Forum Topicusb wifi devices compatible with debain 8 64bit main? tonlee5vor 7 Jahre 35 Wochen
Forum TopicThe Replicant project calls for the Android SDK to be included in Trisuqel. Can you help? Fil11vor 7 Jahre 39 Wochen
Forum TopicInstalling Trisquell/Disk Encryption Problem JustInTime23vor 7 Jahre 39 Wochen
Forum TopicIs Android Studio Truly Free Software? dcapeletti6vor 7 Jahre 48 Wochen
Forum TopicReplicant 6.0 on S2 GNUbahn12vor 7 Jahre 50 Wochen
Forum TopicReplicant: First steps to wifi support Mzee8vor 8 Jahre 4 Wochen
Forum TopicDevelopment of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Multimedia Mangy Dog38vor 8 Jahre 5 Wochen
Forum TopicDevelopment of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Graphics Mangy Dog24vor 8 Jahre 5 Wochen
Forum Topiccould I install trisquel on a thinkpad with intel i5 processor? Takumi1311vor 8 Jahre 8 Wochen
Forum TopicUpdating Eclipse - expired certificates Fil0vor 8 Jahre 12 Wochen