
Bild des Benutzers moxalt

Persönliche Informationen


I'm a relatively new member of the lovely Trisquel community. I started my GNU journey with Debian- an excellent distribution, and one which still holds a special place in my heart. It comes only second to Trisquel- which has quickly become my favourite distribution. I then returned to Debian on a whim (basically just because I felt like some good old Debian orthodoxy without the taint of Ubuntu), which is what I currently use. Don't worry- only main lies enabled in my sources.list :-)

I currently run Debian 9 Stretch (well, 8, but using the testing branch) on an ASUS N43SL, with an (unfortunately) non-free BIOS. When the time comes for my current computer to go, I plan to buy a Libreboot T400 from the excellent folks over at the Ministry of Freedom- but I won't consign a good piece of hardware to the scrap heap just yet.

I have a blog over here:, which I plan to do something with at some point.

You can send me mail at name at domain, call me over XMPP at name at domain, and chat to me on IRC at, port 7000, channel #multivac. When I'm around, that is.

You can also send me bitcoin here: 12ijaoJ8y6GogxPsCtL47Qc2AEuwnk5Zr2. Alms for the poor? Any of the above would be welcome. Especially the money.

See ya round.


Mitglied seit
9 Jahre 37 Wochen