Narcis Garcia

TypBeitragAutorAntwortenZuletzt aktualisiert
Forum TopicError de libc6 que impide iniciar lightdm después de actualizar Trisquel 10 a 11 Narcis Garcia10vor 1 Jahr 36 Wochen
Forum Topiclibc6 error makes lightdm to not start, after upgrading Trisquel 10 to 11 Narcis Garcia0vor 1 Jahr 36 Wochen
Forum TopicDistro upgrade documentation Narcis Garcia1vor 4 Jahre 10 Wochen
Forum TopicRecovering old USB drive previously used with MacBook strypey7vor 5 Jahre 18 Wochen
Forum TopicMy experience using Trisquel so far commodore25616vor 5 Jahre 18 Wochen
Forum TopicGetting an old version of trisquel for archiving purposes victor12bn9729vor 5 Jahre 18 Wochen
Forum Topichow do I increase the available space for this part of my harddrive? muhammed10vor 5 Jahre 19 Wochen
Forum Topicufw - WARN: / is world writable! Tebaldo4vor 5 Jahre 19 Wochen
Forum TopicNetflix Does Not Work On Firefox. Kennith Nitzsche6vor 5 Jahre 20 Wochen
Forum TopicLost password on Trisquel machine! Takumi1316vor 5 Jahre 20 Wochen
Forum TopicNot really for users, but very interesting: deb versus snap Ignacio Agulló16vor 5 Jahre 21 Wochen
Forum TopicError while trying to update trisquel 7 to trisquel 8 : Could not calculate the upgrade lynn25vor 5 Jahre 21 Wochen
Forum TopicRichard Stallman Does Not and Cannot Speak for the Free Software Movement t3g35vor 5 Jahre 22 Wochen
Forum TopicRe: youtube-dl Narcis Garcia2vor 5 Jahre 22 Wochen
Forum TopicNobody lasts forever Ignacio Agulló37vor 5 Jahre 22 Wochen
Forum TopicImprove html5 live video streaming GNUser13vor 5 Jahre 25 Wochen
Forum TopicApparently corrupted hard drive -- advice wanted JimG4vor 5 Jahre 29 Wochen
Forum TopicHow to get a Libre distro from Devuan Narcis Garcia0vor 5 Jahre 30 Wochen
Forum TopicBest practices: updating Trisquel ao7vor 5 Jahre 31 Wochen
Forum TopicOff-topic: The end of Freedom in GitHub Ignacio Agulló21vor 5 Jahre 31 Wochen
Forum TopicURGENT!!! mYself18vor 5 Jahre 31 Wochen
Forum TopicWhat Jabber client do you all use with Trisquel and Trisquel mini? northernarcher7vor 5 Jahre 33 Wochen
Forum TopicAbrowser or IceCat? GrevenGull11vor 5 Jahre 34 Wochen
Forum TopicWhat's the status of the "Self-Destructing Cookies" addon that is being referred to at the "Tweak your browser..."-wiki page? GrevenGull5vor 5 Jahre 35 Wochen
Forum TopicItalian administration goes Open Source, and that will benefit Free Software Ignacio.Agullo4vor 5 Jahre 35 Wochen