Clean Links
Converts obfuscated/nested links to genuine clean links.
* ➜
* ➠
* ➠
*'') ➠
It also allows to remove affiliate/tracking tags from URLs by the use of configurable patterns, being the most common used ones defined by default (ie, UTM, AFF, REF, etc)
The Add-On has two working modes:
DOM Traversing: When a website is loaded its DOM is scanned and any suitable link is cleaned. On this mode when some links are cleared the toolbar button will change and you'll be able to mouse-over it to open its popup where you can see the number of fixed links on the current website.
Delegation: This is a less intrusive mode by just listening to click events. Note that unlike for DOM traversing real-time highlighting and counters will not work then, even though the performance should be much better.
DOM Traversing was the default mode prior to version 2.4, on later versions Event Delegation mode is set as default, and under Firefox for Android and Thunderbird it shouldn't be changed.
You can disable the add-on at anytime by clicking the toolbar icon, which will become black/greyed when it's turned off.
If you have some question/suggestion please use the Support Site, to report problems you can also use the Github Tracker.
*** The next version will be localized, if you would like to see Clean Links in your native language you can find the locale files here.
Convert the add-on to restartless. - done
Once it's restartless, make it compatible with Android Devices. - done
Implement a "linkify text links and then clean" feature.
Work over the address bar for pasted links rather than just clicked ones (?)
Unshorting links feature - done, sort of (Redirect Watcher)
All of the above requires a good amount of job, and thus the user base needs to grow to be accomplished. Hence, if you like CleanLinks please rate it and spread the word.
- Install extension
- Author: Diego Casorran
- License: MPL-1.1
- Download source code