VKontakte.ru Downloader (get music/videos/photos)

Download music, videos and photos from VK.com / vkontakte.ru. One-click download, natural filenames, displaying file size and bitrate for music, downloading HD video, downloading HQ photos. No spam, no usage of your account, no spyware.

• one-click download, based on browser settings, no right-click / “Save Link As…” anymore;
• original title as a file name, instead of something weird like 021a81acc5f7.mp3;
• displaying file size and bitrate for music (click on duration);
• one-click download for HQ photos (Ctrl+Down hotkey);
• downloading supported for all sizes of HD video;
• works perfect on all pages, even search;
• no spam from you account;
• no unwanted changes in browser configuration.
