Abrowser: I can't by-passing WebGL Blocklist (to enable WebGL support)

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Joined: 09/22/2018

Hi everyone!

Well, I ask for your help again because I had a new issue with the Abrowser default configuration.

I am currently unable to enable support for WebGL regardless of having enabled the corresponding option in the Abrowser (v62) settings. Seeing that it didn't work, I started to try some advanced settings without much success, to do so, I have resorted to what is explained in the following link: Graphics Blocklisting.

When I visit the next page https://get.webgl.org/ I get a message similar to the following one: "Your graphics card does not seem to support WebGL.".

It should be noted that in another browser based on Mozilla Firefox, I do not present the same issue, ie I can run WebGL without problems, however for this I had to force its activation.

I attach some screenshots where you can see this situation (about:support tab).

I've tried starting the web browser in safe mode (with add-ons disabled) but it doesn't change anything in the same way as creating a new usage profile.

Unfortunately this feature is particularly necessary for my teaching work so I will have to do without Abrowser for the time being. Any help or suggestion in this regard is welcome.

Best regards.

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