Re: Video editing app for future Trisquel releases

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Ignacio Agulló
Joined: 07/30/2019

O 2023-10-02 12:04, escribiu:
> Can anyone suggest a stable GNU/Linux app for basic video editing
> tasks? Bonus points for playing nicely with Mate, Trisquel's default
> desktop.

I have been using OpenShot for over a decade now.

Good points:
-It is Free Software.
-Works with Trisquel.
-Very simple to use.

Bad points:
-It was awfully unstable for years. I had to keep saving my work after
every single change, for it would crash frequently. Last time I used it
the stability was better, though.
-Transitions often worked counter-intuitively, in the opposite way that
I expected. I got so tired of this that in the last video I decided to
do away with transitions.
-Very limited.

Kind regards,
Ignacio Agulló.