Setting up a server part III

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Joined: 02/18/2016

In an earlier thread I have expressed my frustration about setting up a server:

I also got some advise, and I am slowly getting closer: Now I have successfully setup an apache server which responds to the domain name (

But now I cannot connect the server to the internet, i.e. I can't figure out how to reach it from the www. AND I cannot connect to the internet from my LAN (with one exception - see below).

I have *mostly* followed e.g. these instruction:

Webpage tutorial:

Video tutorial:

Having *mostly* followed the tutorials mean that I have improvised:

* On the computer, I have only enabled 'Apache Secure' (not 'Apache Full' as the instructions say).
* On the router, when setting up port forwarding (running LibreCMC), I tried to use only 8080 (at gateway-IP/cgi-bin/luci/admin/network/firewall/forwards).
* On the router, I also changed settings for 'Zone => Forwardings' to accept 'input', 'output' and 'forward' for 'wan => drop' (at gateway-IP/cgi-bin/luci/admin/network/firewall/zones) (by default 'masquerading' and 'MSS clamping' are marked - I did not change that)

I took these choices in the believe (or rather the strong assumption) that this would secure my server and network by only accepting access via https.

After these settings, I lost connection to the internet - except I can access trough the tor browser on those computers which use my 5GHz network (I also have a 2.4 GHz network)

I have now reset settings for forwarding and zones, and I have restarted the router, but the result is the same: I can only access the internet through tor on my 5GHz network, but all other coennection is lost.

Any ideas of what causes the problem and how to solve it will be much appreciated.

In the router settings, I also