Superfluous Returnz
Gee is a French drawer/writer/composer/programmer, who decided two years ago to quit his software engineering job to dedicate himself to his art. He recently published a point & click video game:
It deals with a useless superhero, named Superfluous. He is helped by his assistant, Sophie, who constantly makes fun of him. Together they fight crime (well... apple robbing actually) in a peaceful countryside. Funny dialogues, nice graphics, hard-enough puzzles (a helpline is included, if you feel stuck for too long), etc.: I warmly recommend it.
The game engine is free software:
Unlike every comics/novel/music/... Gee has produced until now (see if you can read French), the game data are not free yet. Gee promised they will be free by the end of the year.
The game costs $14.99 or more (to support Gee and high-quality free software games in general). You can first enjoy the gratis demo also on
And, no, I do not personally know Gee. I only think he deserves our support. :-)
To advert again Superfluous Returnz (it is great!), I put in this same thread instructions to those who would like to play Zelda A Link To The Past on Trisquel. is a free software reimplementation... except for the assets, which are non-functional, as far as I understand: the graphics, the dialogues, the musics, the sounds, the sprites, etc.
EDIT: To be ethical, they should be at least non-commercially sharable though. They are not, as jxself pointed out. That is why I removed those instructions.
Is it allowed to sell these games, including the non-functional data?
The game assets that Banana talks about are copyrighted by Nintendo with no permission to further share, and we know that Nintendo actively enforces their copyrights. It doesn't even meet the criteria for the Non-functional Data portion of the GNU FSDG because they can't be legally shared. At all. In my view having components that can't be legally shared disqualifies this. We probably shouldn't even be discussing programs that involve copyright infringement in order to use them. Perhaps if replacement game assets were developed...
I don't see the problem - just don't download the non-functional data and play the game without any graphics, dialogue, music, sounds, sprites, etc. It will be awesome.
The Adventures of Blink.
Chapter 1: "Riddles in the Dark Screen"
Chapter 2: "The Curse of the Blinking Cursor"
Chapter 3: "The Invisible Map"
Chapter 4: "Banana Split"
You are right. Sorry. I removed the instructions.
> they should be at least non-commercially sharable
They should be at least sharable, for commercial and non-commercial purposes alike. The acceptable restriction for "non-functional data" is that it may not be possible to modify them. This is what I read in:
"It can be included in a free system distribution as long as its license gives you permission to copy and redistribute, both for commercial and non-commercial purposes."
Advertising one more time for the game Superfluous Returnz (see original post). It is free software and it is great. If you do not believe me, believe (a site dedicated to adventure games):
Our Verdict: Very good (4/5)
Superfluous Returnz is a game that combines stunning graphics and immersive sound to present a hilarious and captivating parody of the superhero genre.
Plot twist: Sophie was the one stealing the apples to keep her boss happy as a superhero.
I don't know, I never played this game or read about (thanks for the share Magic Banana), just thought this when I entered the website ahah.
At the end of the game, Sophie is kind of twisted, against her will. I will not spoil more though. :-)