Ways to bypass censorship.

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Joined: 12/20/2023

I thought about a

Topic: What tools does Hyperbola have to bypass censorship?

On https://forums.hyperbola.info/viewtopic.php?pid=7523#p7523

So seeing Trisquel may also have ways to bypass censorship I was posting some of that text here also, that may help if one of those sites get censorship against it.

And also to see how many ways users here know how to bypass censorship.

I see Trisquel has SearX though I do not know how many other things it may have to bypass censorship. Some of the text under this was partly having information that may only be about some things on Hyperbola's site,


though a large amount of it may also be helpful on this site.

A user called jim wrote in part at that site about censorship and had links like


Than Other_Cody, also my name there, typed, or more accurately pasted after typing it in the program Pluma

The i2pd
may help.

There are also torrents to help speed up lawful downloads as well as help in-case one lawful site goes down.


A distributed version control, like git may help.
Hyperbola has some git repositories at


Also a sneakernet
can help seeing anyone can "technically" get into any place on earth.

You may not wish to break into or get to most places, or other people's computers, though if you needed to help someone get out of a burning building, you may be able to "technically" get into it, like "fire fighters" do.

Just do not try to break into areas to be a thief or for other sinful things.

You may try to bypass censorship for helpful things, though you should not break into other places just because you may wish to see what is there, or do do other bad things.



Though anyone may always be able to bypass anything on earth.

I do not know if
snowflake could work well or not seeing Tor may have Rust trademark problems soon.

You may wish to remember this book also.

There is also a book by the title of

What no cracking!


What may be the rule about no hacking.
I think it may not be about hacking your own computer, but the server's computer.

You may not use things like "fly" or "noclip" without those privs.

You may say that is not fair, but you can now think of it this way...

If you have a phone or mailbox and other people put unwanted mail in your mailbox, than maybe one time it may be okay, but if you asked them to stop and the people did not stop, it may fill your inbox with things you do not wish to have in it.

If players use "fly" and "noclip" without the privs it may fill the server with unwanted actions that the server owner does not wish it to fill with.

So some server may allow many ways to play and some may offer less ways,
but if some servers wish to make a more realistic server that is why
those servers may ban or restrict the use of those privs.

Though those privs may help the admins to clean up problematic parts fast and than may be used by administrators and moderators to make a clean area so players can still play.

But you may say I was not using those privs for cheating or destructive behavior.

You can now think of it this way...

If you owned land and someone used a remote controlled vehicle to fly
over and see your land and "noclip" into your home or use thermal imaging
to see into it, you may ask them to stop spying on you.

If those people did not stop you may not like that.

So sending unwanted signals into a server may sometimes be sending signals to bypass privs, and it may help if you do not send those signals to bypass privs so the server use can be enjoyable for everyone.


So there may be problematic censorship, or filters to help filter out unwanted things. Though I hope the ways you may try to bypass censorship can be helpful for everyone.

I think some people may think some "cuss filters" could also be "censorship" though the person who installed it may just wish to filter out what that person does not wish to see on their server.

There is also a book on the Tunnelers' Abyss minetest server by the title of

Cuss rule?

And shows in part

What may be the rule about "cussing".

Exodus 20:7
Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

Foul language may be using the LORD's name in vain, or it may be using language out of the proper usage.
An ass is a donkey, not the improper usage of the word.

There is an anti-cuss on this server

So please use bypassing problematic censorship for nice things and not to bypass any nice terms, like what


may show.

As this shows "Profanity" and "spam" rules.

Though people may still

Do not insult others here. Disagree and challenge ideas instead.

So challenging ideas with better speech may help people understand why you believe what you believe.

I also saw text at the Tunnelers' Abyss minetest server that shows links to help learn the English language.




as English is used in this forum.





There is also

There may also be these links



as well as


I do not know if SearX, the InterPlanetary_File_System or PeerTube can work with Hyperbola yet.

As I did not yet check all dependencies or code to see it there is any tracking or other problems with these.

There also may be more than these ways.