Seems to be some claims that some cards can work, but that might be because the (non-free) firmaware is already loaded on the chip.
I would try to default to an atheros card, as seems to be the most wide supported brand out there.
When talking about hardware only the owners of such pieces can debug and confirm or deny 100%, if you don't have such card please refer to to find more info on it.
The short answer is no.
Seems to be some claims that some cards can work, but that might be because the (non-free) firmaware is already loaded on the chip.
I would try to default to an atheros card, as seems to be the most wide supported brand out there.
When talking about hardware only the owners of such pieces can debug and confirm or deny 100%, if you don't have such card please refer to to find more info on it.
Thank you Ark74 i thought it was free firmware because of this webpage