Standby with the Toshiba Satellite (laptop) is faulty?

Category:bug report

Wenn das Toshiba Satellite in den Standby geht, kann ich mich hinterher nicht mehr einloggen, weder als root, noch als sudo noch als User. Ich mußte das System komplett neu installieren.

Mon, 02/07/2011 - 20:04
Title:Standby beim Toshiba Satellite (Notebook) fehlerhaft?» Standby with the Toshiba Satellite (laptop) is faulty?

If the Toshiba Satellite enters standby mode I can not log in, neither as root or as user using the sudo command. I need to install the system from zero.

Se o Toshiba Satellite entra em modo de espera não consigo fazer login, nem como root nem como usuário com o comando sudo. Tive que instalar o sistema de zero.

Fri, 03/23/2012 - 08:17
Status:active» needs more info

Toshiba Satellite is a series of laptop. Which model do you have specifically?

Sat, 06/16/2012 - 11:56
Status:needs more info» closed

Closing because the issue reported has not responded to requests for more information for 3 months. If the issue reporter wishes to re-test and provide the information they can re-open this ticket.