Project: | Trisquel |
Component: | Gnome |
Category: | feature request |
Priority: | critical |
Assigned: | guevaragnu |
Status: | closed |
Desde que instale trisquel 4.5 tengo dos problemas y es que cuando le doy a apagar, se pone la pantalla en negro, pero la pc no se apaga y otro es que no me aparecen los iconos del escritorio, y cuando hago clic en el no hace nada, no reacciona el escritorio.
Mi pc es vieja, es pentium III con procesador de 800mhz memoria de 512mb.
Por favor ayudenme a solucionar mi problema!!! Gracias de antemano!!!
Thank you for reporting this bug to Trisquel. 4.5 reached End of life (EOL).
I've tried recreating this bug with RELEASE and was unable to, given the information you've provided. Please upgrade to the latest version and re-test. If the bug is still reproducible, increase the verbosity of the steps to recreate it so we can try again.
Do feel free to report any other bugs you may find.
Marking as fixed. Apparently OP found a solution
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.