Radeon: No video output in text console (with workaround)

Category:bug report

Problem Summary:

The first time I switch to a text console, everything works fine. However, when I switch back to Xorg, then back again to the text console, I don't have any video output. I can continue to use my machine from Xorg, but I work in text mode often enough to make this problem annoying. I have not encountered this problem with any other linux-libre distributions.


Steps to reproduce:

1. Switch to a text console from Xorg (e.g., CTRL-ALT-F1)
2. Switch back to X session (e.g., CTRL-ALT-F7)
3. Repeat step 1

Regards, -ln

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Tue, 01/22/2013 - 07:27

How are you watching video on console? Is there an error message? Does lsmod produce different results when it works and when it don't? (You can use the xxdiff package for easy comparison)

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 23:35

Sorry, I was unclear. I'm not watching a video on the console. By "no video output" I mean that there is no signal from my video adapter (DVI) to my monitor. It works the first time I switch to a virtual console and back to Xorg, but not after that.

I doubt the results for lsmod will be any different, but I'm willing to try. Results will be posted when I get home (~30min-1hr).

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 00:50
Status:active» can't reproduce

When I posted this issue, I was using the i686 version of Trisquel.

Now I'm using the x86_64 version. I attempted to reproduce the issue again, and everything seems to work now. I don't know if an update fixed it or what. Regardless, it *appears* to work now.

Thanks for your help, -ln

Thu, 01/24/2013 - 06:49
Title:No video output in text console» Radeon: No video output in text console (with workaround)
Category:support request» bug report
Priority:normal» minor
Status:can't reproduce» active

Kernel panicked, so I rebooted, and the problem resurfaced. The panic was caused by the radeon kernel module. I blacklisted the radeon module and rebooted again, which appears to have fixed the original problem. Acceptable workaround, IMO.

From a terminal:
sudo su
echo "blacklist radeon" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

Thu, 01/24/2013 - 07:25
Status:active» closed

Closing -- resolved by using fbdev.