As you can read at the Free Software Foundation blog, the FSF Member card -a nice 2GB ultraslim USB disk to carry in your wallet- is now loaded with Trisquel 3.0 Dwyn. It is a great honor for us, and we wish you all enjoy your cards. More than 500 were shipped already!

The card can load an incredibly fast Trisquel Live environment that will keep your settings and files from one run to the next. And you can also use it as a normal USB disk, which comes with a set of free software related texts, audio and video files. A wonderful advocacy tool.
Do you want one? It is a good way to support free software which will help the FSF with their year-end fundraising effort. By donating $120 USD -$60 if you are a student-, you will get a one year FSF Membership, the Trisquel loaded USB card -with a source DVD-, five email aliases, an invitation to the annual membership meeting, 20% discount on all items in the FSF shop, and a subscription to the biannual FSF Bulletin. And it is also a great Christmas gift!