Revision of Installing, Updating and Removing Software from Tue, 01/16/2024 - 14:52

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This page covers how to install and remove software in Trisquel GNU/Linux.


  • Installing and Removing Applications
  • Installing and Removing Packages (Graphical)
  • Updating Sources, Upgrading, Installing and Removing Packages (Terminal)

Installing and Removing Applications

Using Add/Remove Applications

With Add/Remove Applications you can browse all available and installed applications. Here you can select applications for removing or installing.


In this example we are going to install "2048", a puzzle game and then run it. Later we will remove the application "Planner", a program, that was previously installed on this system.

  • Launch Add/Remove Applications from the Main Menu.
  • Select applications you wish to install.


  • Deselect applications you wish to remove.


  • When you are finished, select Apply Changes.


  • Review the list of applications that will be installed and removed. If you are satisfied, select Apply and enter your password.

add-remove-applications-apply_0.png The marked changes are now being applied. add-remove-applications-progress.png

  • Double click a newly installed application to launch it.


The newly installed applications will appear in the main menu.

Installing and Removing Packages (Graphical)

Using Synaptic Package Manager

In this example (a follow-up to the previous one) we are going to install the package "printer-driver-all" and remove the package "gnome-2048", the puzzle game we installed before.

Other software, such as drivers, libraries, and desktop environments, can be installed or removed with Synaptic Package Manager.


  • Launch Synaptic Package Manager from the main menu, and enter your password. Here you may browse all installed and available packages. In the Main Menu go to System→Administration→Synaptic Package Manager
  • Select Search to search for applications.


  • Enter a search term and select Search.


  • Right click and select Mark for installation on packages you wish to install.


  • The installation or removal of some packages may affect other packages. In this case, select Mark to confirm.


  • Right click and select Mark for removal on packages you wish to remove.


  • When you are finished, select Apply.


  • Review the list of packages that will be installed and removed. If you are satisfied, select Apply.


  • Wait until the changes are applied.


  • After the changes are applied, select Close


  • When you are finished installing and removing packages, close Synaptic.

Installing and Removing Packages (Terminal)

Using apt

Software may also be installed and removed from a terminal. If you want to do this, you can use the apt.


In the following example we are going to update and upgrade and then install Nethack, a famous Dungeons & Dragons-style adventure game.

  • Launch a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T.
  • To synchronize the package index with your sources, use the following command:

sudo apt update

  • To upgrade your installed software to the newest versions available, run:

 sudo apt upgrade
sudo-apt-upgrade1.png sudo-apt-upgrade2.png sudo-apt-upgrade3.png

  • To search for a certain package, use the following command. Replace search-term with your search term.

 apt-cache search search-term

  • Install a package with the following command. Replace "package-name" with the name of the package you would like to install.

sudo apt install package-name
sudo-apt-install1.png sudo-apt-install2.png

Now, that we installed the game, we can run it from within the Terminal with the following command :


  • Remove a package with the following command. Replace "package-name" with the name of the package you would like to remove.

sudo apt remove package-name

  • Remove all unnecessary packages from previous installed ones with the following command:

sudo apt autoremove
sudo-apt-autoremove.png sudo-apt-after-autoremove.png

More information can be found in the manual of apt with this command:

man apt

Further Reading

For general topics about packages see: Documentation about packages

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