Submitted by Luck-02 on Fri, 02/18/2022 - 13:28
Sobre Trisquel
Sobre Trisquel
Trisquel é uma distribuição GNU/linux baseada no Ubuntu LTS e reconhecida pela FSF (Free Software Foundation). It reuses free Ubuntu packages and modifies/removes nonfree packages. Thus, it uses the Linux-libre kernel (like Parabola GNU/Linux-libre). A new version development begins just after an Ubuntu LTS release. You have to wait about six months for the corresponding Trisquel version to be released.Trisquel Standard Edition uses the MATE desktop environment as of version 8.0. Prior to 8.0, Trisquel used the Gnome Flashback environment.
Currently Supported Versions:
10.0 (Nabia) (from January 2022, last modified 2022-01-31)
9.0 (Etiona) (from October 2020, last modified 2022-01-31)
Unsupported versions can be found here.
- Accessories
- GNOME Help (Desktop Help)
- Caja (File Browser)
- Atril (Document Viewer)
- Brasero (CD/DVD Burner)
- Mate Calc (Calculator)
- Mate Disk Usage Analyser [on Github] (Disk Usage Analyser)
- Engrampa [On Github] (File Archive Manager)
- Gucharmap (Character Map)
- Mate Font Viewer (Font Viewer)
- Mozo (Menu editor)
- OnBoard (Screen Reader and Magnification)
- Orca [Manual] (Screen Reader)
- PdfShuffler (Pdf Editor)
- Pluma [On Wikipedia] (Text Editor)
- Mate Search Tool (Gsearchtool)
- Mate Screenshot [On Github] (Screenshot)
- Mate Terminal (Terminal)
- Graphics
- Mate Color Select (Color Management)
- GIMP [On Wikipedia] (Graphic editor)
- Simple Scan (Scanner front-end)
- Viewnior (Image Viewer)
- Internet
- Office
- LibreOffice (Office Suite)
- Mate Dictionary (Dictionary)
- Sound and Video
- Other
- Back in Time [Manual] (Backup)
- dconf Editor (Configuration editor)
- GDebi (Package installer)
- Gparted [Manual] (Partitions Editor)
- Mate System Log (Logview)
- Mate System Monitor (Monitor system Processes)
- Power Statistcs