Status of Package Helpers for Etiona

TODO list for quidam

  • build packages which are ready (see below)
  • after building those, attempt - done!
  • reply to strypey regarding his offer to write for the blog
  • upload a new Flidas netinstaller

    Tasks Blocking Etiona Release

  • Fix remaining package helpers (see below)
  • Fix gnome-app-install (see below) or replace it with another apt frontend - done!
  • Fix Trisquel GTK3 window decorations or avoid apps with client-side decorations in default desktop (see below)
  • (quidam) Build trisquel-packages - done!
  • (quidam) Build and publish graphical ISO - done!
  • (quidam) New artwork

    Status of Package Helpers

    List of current missing packages that helpers pass OK (details below)

    # ubufox #

    List of helpers ready to Merge (details below)

    # #


    geoip-database-contrib: script succeeds, build succeeds, install succeeds, tested
    After installing, apt tries and fails to download from

    icecat: script succeeds, build fails
    fails because hardening-wrapper has been deprecated and removed from Ubuntu. see

    ubuntustudio-controls: only in backports

    ubuntustudio-menu: only in backports


    In order to preserve gnome-app-install we'd need to

  • port to Python 3 - done
  • migrate to Gtk 3 - done
  • update to use pkexec instead of gksudo - done
  • find a way to regenerate app-install-data*

    *Here a very basic bash script and the .desktop files output got using apt-file as a finder tool.

    There has being a great effort to extend the support for gnome-app-install to Etiona, so no need to keep looking for a replacement. Still there is work to be done.

    Gtk 3 Theme

    Trisquel's Gtk theme appears to be based on the BlueMenta theme, modified to use the window buttons of the Greybird theme. However, the Gtk 3 window buttons are actually still BlueMenta's. In MATE, this is usually not noticeable, because the window manager uses the Metacity window buttons. However, applications which use client-side decoration use the Gtk 3 window buttons, so they do not match the rest of the desktop. In order to avoid cosmetic issues like this,
    gtk3 window controls
    someone who understands Gtk themes needs to modify the Trisquel theme to use Greybird's Gtk 3 window buttons.

    Furthermore, applications with client-side decorations are inconsistent even with the Greybird theme. The window button images match, but the spacing is different,
    gtk3 window controls
    possibly due to the box that appears around each window button when hovered over with the mouse, so additional work may be needed to avoid this.


    making a local repo with reprepro
    $ sudo apt install reprepro
    $ mkdir REPO
    $ cd REPO
    $ mkdir conf

    ### edit the file "conf/distributions" to contain:

    Origin: Trisquel
    Label: Trisquel
    Codename: etiona
    Architectures: amd64
    Components: main
    UDebComponents: main
    Description: Trisquel packages
    SignWith: $YOURGPGKEY

    $ reprepro includeudeb etiona /path/to/file.udeb

    generating a list of missing packages on a Trisquel 9 system
    $ sudo apt update
    $ git clone
    $ cd package-helpers/helpers
    $ git checkout etiona

    and run the following script:
    for package in $(ls make-* | sed 's/make-//g'); do
    in_repo=$(apt showsrc $package 2>/dev/null | grep ^Package:)
    if [[ ! $in_repo ]]; then
    echo $package

  • Revisions

    05/19/2019 - 18:49
    09/07/2019 - 02:37
    09/13/2019 - 09:17
    11/29/2019 - 20:17
    12/09/2019 - 19:07