Concerned about the Forum

2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 02/07/2017

I have had problems with Trisquel lately while I was in the middle of an important work in which I was using it.
Because I had to finish it and I knew that the operating system I had used before Trisquel would allow me to end my work, I switched to it and ended at least the most urgent part of it.
So I'm not currently using Trisquel. But yesterday, I did and I tried to enter the forum but I couldn't so I came back to my old O.S, continued working and from time to time tried to see if the problem with the forum had been solved. But I always found there was a problem with its server.
My failures were always with
I think I didn't fail this time using
Am I truly in the forum now?
Was there a problem with the server?
Was using of a bad idea?
Can somebody please comment about what she/he thinks has happened to me?
Have I missed something?
I will comment about the problems I had with Trisquel Flidas in another post.
Currently I'm more concerned about the interruption of my commmunications with the forum.

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A rejoint: 04/05/2020

I also had problems with this forum yesterday. That was the only time I have had an issue.

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A rejoint: 02/07/2017

I suspect the forum has been out for more than one day.
I have quickly searched for the last messages and I can't find messages sent between Sept 9 and today.
That is why I have asked David at about that.
I only hope he has enough free time to answer my question