Gnome 3 in Trisquel 6?

14 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 12/13/2010

Hi all

I hope the new year finds you well and brings more energy and
interesting projects to all.

While testing Trisquel 6 I was wondering, how to use Gnome 3 on it? The
few systems I tried with Intel graphics which were 3d capable all went
to fallback. Is it necessary to use the Gnome 3 team PPA?

Thanks for any information on this, I don't remember any mention on the
mailing list on how Gnome3/Gnome Shell woul dbe integrated (or not) in
Trisquel 6.



Fabián Rodríguez

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A rejoint: 10/18/2010

Happy GNU Year :)

Try this: sudo apt-get install gnome
...this should install the full gnome-shell

Or at least this: sudo apt-get install gnome-session
...this adds the gnome-shell login


Hors ligne
A rejoint: 10/18/2010

Oh i see this thread is kinda duplicate, see here:

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 09/14/2012

There is still a problem in Trisquel 6. The unity-greeter package is not available and without this we can't make the gnome 3 login appear.


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 09/19/2011

Trisquel 6 is already GNOME3, but in Fallback mode, with, I think, the
Debian GNOME indicator applet.

01/01/2013 05:04 PM, Fabian Rodriguez wrote:
> Hi all
> I hope the new year finds you well and brings more energy and
> interesting projects to all.
> While testing Trisquel 6 I was wondering, how to use Gnome 3 on it? The
> few systems I tried with Intel graphics which were 3d capable all went
> to fallback. Is it necessary to use the Gnome 3 team PPA?
> Thanks for any information on this, I don't remember any mention on the
> mailing list on how Gnome3/Gnome Shell woul dbe integrated (or not) in
> Trisquel 6.
> Cheers,
> Fabian
> --
> Fabián Rodríguez

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 10/18/2010

huh? i wonder what you mean... i do not have this package installed, and i'm runnin gnome-shell since ive installed 6.0.
unity-greeter seems only related to the unity desktop, not to the gnome-shell afaik.


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 09/19/2011

I don't know why you'd need anything Unity to run GNOME; the non-Ubuntu
GNOME distros just have gdm.


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A rejoint: 10/18/2010

Ah ok now i get the problem, for lightdm you need indeed "unity-greeter" and this is missing! so lightdm can not be installed unfortunetly so far. and yea i am runnin gdm too.

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 03/26/2011

In Terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnome-session

You can use software rendering in computers without 3D acceleration.
In Terminal:

LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 gnome-shell --replace
Hors ligne
A rejoint: 10/18/2010

Nice, i didn't know that this already worx.
Is there a big performance difference by using software rendering?

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A rejoint: 03/26/2011

If you use in old computers or with CPU single-core is slowly but interesting.

I tested in a computer from 2006 with Celeron 2.5GHz with 1GB DDR RAM and run very slowly. (before Trisquel 6 the test was made with Fedora 17 and Debian 7 with GNOME 3.4 too. The performance is the same)

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A rejoint: 09/14/2012

Is it really necessary to use gnome-session from this ppa ?

I know that we can't install the gnome-session from Trisquel because of the dependencies errors, but I don't think that installing a ppa just for this is a good solution (even knowing it will provide a more updated version of gnome 3).

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A rejoint: 01/18/2012

Hi Fabian!

Notice: I does not tested the following method on Toutatis, but on Brigantia it works well.

Back in time when Trisquel 5.5 was released, the upstream Ubuntu 11.10 moved to Gnome 3, and to preserve the old Gnome 2 feel and look, the main developer decided to use Gnome 3 Fallback as the default session to work on, so there is no Gnome Shell even if you have a free software compatible hardware.

Unlike previous releases, Brigantia is using Metacity as the default window manager and that's the reason you does not see those funky effects like before. If you want all of those back, you need to follow these points:

  1. Make shure you have installed a package called compiz-gnome. You can use either Synaptic or enter

    $ sudo apt-get -y install compiz-gnome

    in Terminal to install it (if you're upgraded to Brigantia, it is likely you'll have it already). Optionally, you can install the full set of Compiz packages by installing the compiz metapackage

  2. Open Terminal and write
    $ sudo sed -i s/metacity/compiz/ /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/gnome-classic.session

    This will replace Metacity with Compiz at login to have an accelerated desktop experience. To revert made changes, just switch metacity and compiz in the command.

  3. Log out and log in back, or press [Alt]+[F2] and enter compiz --replace.
  4. Hopefully, you'll now have the "classic" experience back :-)

P.S.: For some reason, customizing the Gnome Panel doesn't work under Compiz, but you can use the following workaround:

  1. Go to Menu -> System Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> System and assing Alt+F2 to Show the run command prompt
  2. Press [Alt]+[F2] and enter metacity --replace. This will bring you back to Metacity.
  3. Move the cursor above a clean part of the Gnome Panel and press [Alt]+[Right-click]. This will bring you up the needed menu.
  4. When you're done, press again [Alt]+[F2] and enter compiz --replace. That's it!
Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

En ligne
A rejoint: 07/24/2010

To add elements to the panel, add another panel, and other useful things, you actually need to press Super+Alt+Right click ("Super" being the Windows key on most keyboards) on the Trisquel 6.0's panel. Same thing on an element of the panel to move it or remove it.

I confirm the difficulty to have GNOME Shell with Trisquel 6.0. Installing either the package gnome-session or the package gnome-shell does not insert "GNOME" in GDM's session menu. With Trisquel 5.5 Brigantia, it works (installing the gnome-session package).

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A rejoint: 12/13/2010

(posting this to the forum so others finding this older discussion see the update)

After Trisquel 6 release, this was fixed. See: