Removing Dektop Icons

5 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 06/20/2013

I want to remove the standard desktop icons from Gnome.
I have installed gconf-editor and I have searched for instructions and found this:
However, those instructions did not work.
If anyone could help me remove the desktop icons, that would be great.

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A rejoint: 10/09/2012

Open "System Settings", then "Advanced Settings" and choose "Desktop".

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A rejoint: 06/20/2013

This worked. Thanks.
Any idea how to permanently remove the "Install Trisquel" icon for my Live USB version of Trisquel? If I delete it, the icon manages to remake itself when I boot it back up.

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A rejoint: 10/09/2012

No idea, sorry.

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A rejoint: 05/13/2010

Do any other changes stick? You need persistence for that.

You could try making a file ~/Desktop/.hidden and include the name of the installer in that file, if it is a file on the desktop.


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 01/04/2011

Try running dconf-editor, and look for /org/nautilus/desktop/computer-icon-visible .