how to remove icons from the desktop

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Joined: 12/26/2010

I am so happy to have found this fantastic distro! I have been looking for a free (as in freedom) software distro that works with my Sony Vaio laptop. After the install every function (specifically my wireless!) worked flawlessly. Now to my question, I don't like icons sitting on my desktop but have been unable to find the control to remove them. Could someone help me with this issue?
Thank you.

Joined: 12/16/2009

You can do this from gconf-editor (also called simply "Configuration Editor").

By default gconf-editor is hidden form the Programs list in the Main Menu. By default the Main Menu is the Trisquel icon which is in the bottom-left corner. You can unhide gconf-editor by editing the Main Menu, and you can do this by right-clicking on it. In the Main Manu editor you will find "Configuration Editor" under "System Tools". Alternatively, you can start gconf-editor from the terminal, by just typing "gconf-editor".

In gconf-editor, you go to: / > apps > nautilus > desktop

There you'll be given a list of checkboxes, which correlate to the visibility of the icons on the desktop.


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Joined: 02/25/2010

Open up a terminal (I don't think you can do this from the menu, unfortunately), and type gconf-editor, then hit enter. When it loads, use the left panel to navigate to apps > nautilus > desktop, and then in the right panel, you can uncheck the icons you don't want.

Joined: 12/26/2010

Thank you both for the quick response to my question.


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I am a translator!

Joined: 02/25/2010

Since you've said that everything works properly, you might want to consider adding your laptop model to the hardware database at, so that other people know it works with free software.

Joined: 12/26/2010

Great idea. I just registered with H-node and will submit my stats shortly. By the way, I have tried to edit my grub file by using the 'e' option on the grub splash. It asks me for my login and password but does not allow me to edit the line. It just brings me back to the prompt. I created an administrator account with root privileges and used it as well as my regular account to try to access the edit line but with no success. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?