Ring joins GNU

13 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 12/10/2013

Ring, which I think is the most promising free software VoIP program, is now a GNU package.

Anonymous (non vérifié)

I saw this a couple of days after it was added to GNU on savannah.gnu.org. You'd think they would make a notice on a news feed like this one: https://planet.gnu.org/. Nonetheless it's a nice program, GNU needed a good text and video chat client.

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A rejoint: 05/14/2015

Does anybody know how to install Ring on Trisquel 7? Is it going to be included in Trisquel 8?

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A rejoint: 12/10/2013

Doesn't look like it. You can use this: https://ring.cx/en/download/gnu-linux

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A rejoint: 09/13/2010

Ring is available in Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak). Someone could make a Helper to bring it into Trisquel.

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A rejoint: 05/14/2015

I don't think I have the skills to do that, but I'm keen to learn. Can you send me a link to the best document for me to use to teach myself? I'm name at domain on the Tim Federation (that's what I call the meta-federation that includes GNU Social etc)

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A rejoint: 12/31/2012

Perhaps you can help by doing the following:

1. Install Guix in your copy of Trisquel.

2. Test the following set of recipes:

- And for a workaround on the XDG_DATA_DIRS issue, see:

Respectfully, Adonay.
- [[https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Adfeno]]
- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre, por isso não uso. Iguais a ele prefiro
Ring, ou Tox. Quer outras formas de contato? Adicione o vCard que
está no endereço acima aos teus contatos.
- Pretende me enviar arquivos .doc, .ppt, .cdr, ou .mp3? OK, eu
aceito, mas não repasso. Entrego apenas em formatos favoráveis ao
/software/ livre. Favor entrar em contato em caso de dúvida.
- "People said I should accept the world. Bullshit! I don't accept the
--- Richard Stallman

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A rejoint: 12/31/2012

Also, *ignore* the "disable grafts" recommendation. :)

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A rejoint: 05/14/2015

I am totally new to GUIX, but I do like beta testing bleeding edge software, which is kind of why I'm here I guess ;) A couple of questions:

1) How bleeding edge is GUIX? Is it safe to install it on a production machine I depend on for everyday desktop use, or would I better to install it in a virtual machine or a disposable dual boot?

2) Once I've got it installed, what's the best noob guide to GUIX? One that introduces, in simple language, what GUIX is, what's it intended to be used for, and where to find the best manuals, help pages, forums etc?

Mangy Dog

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 03/15/2015
Hors ligne
A rejoint: 12/31/2012

1. It has most things an average user would want to. "Average user" in
the sense of people that *do not* care that much with low-level stuff
like updating kernel amd desktop environment through Guix. If you do
want to have updated kernel, and desktop environment through Guix, I
advise you to install GuixSD, not just Guix. The latter can be
installed on top of any GNU+Linux distribution, while the formar is a
whole system distribution.

2. For a quick reference, `guix package --help' tells you how to manage
packages, while `guix gc' clears unused stuff (as long as there is
nothing else holding these, which can be seen with `guix package
--list-generations'), and `guix pull' updates the list of available
packages (this doesn't upgrade the packages installed, you must do it
with `guix package --upgrade'). For further reference, the `info
guix' command is the exact same thing that is in the website (so you
can see the same thing even if off-line). All `guix [command]' have
the `--help' option for quick reference.

- Did you see the "generation" word? Well, Guix and GuixSD allow you
to go back and forth between two "times", like a time machine, but
for packages. If there is a "generation" holding something, then
`guix gc' won't remove it. So, there is no "forced and not-undoable
upgrades". :)

- There are more advantages to using Guix, but I'll keep them for
myself for now because the rest only concerns contributors to
projects, so please tell me if you do want the full list of

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 06/02/2012

GNU Ring runs well on Trisquel 7.0

Install using the Ubuntu settings. Just make sure you don't select a more recent version of Ubuntu than the one on which Trisquel is currently based.

The GNU Ring developers were requested to support Trisquel GNU/Linux. There was a brief exchange on IRC in #ring, iirc. Lets ask them again! We can have support for Trisquel 8.0, if we file a bug. A Tuleap account is needed:


Trisquel Enhancement

Incidentally, there is an unofficial, KDE version of the GNU Ring client. It is produced and maintained by one of the main GNU Ring developers.

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A rejoint: 12/21/2015

I thought it was GNU since the beginning :P

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A rejoint: 06/05/2016

Even, it's avariable @ Parabola.