Share your Desktop!
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Share your desktop, everyone!
Get a snapshot and put it here.
If you're using a 'hackish' desktop, please do share your config files! ^_^
Mine's an attachment, along with my xmonad & xmobar config.
(You can hardly tell my pic is of a desktop, as xmobar and the wallpaper blend...)
Pièce jointe | Taille |
Desktop.png | 1.2 Mo |
.xmobarrc.txt | 806 octets |
xmonad.hs.txt | 1.01 Ko |
Oh no. This was supposed to be in the Troll Hole. I really screwed up.
I'm so sorry. ;-;
Could this be moved to the Troll Hole with some Admin Magic?
It is for the first time I have seen someone use the abbreviation FLOSS. :-)

(@ jade's new avatar :P)
(@Coffee Cup's classic avatar. What kind of coffee are you, again? :p)
If it was, why is it so obvious that you are being watched? :P
true if they want a backdoor they could put it in the kernel
it was a joke i just read the entire xeyes source code
and there’s no back door(don’t know why i had to check...)
Yes, I knew it was a joke, that's what the Colon-capital "P" indicated.
Scary applet. @_@
(Side Note: What Icecat theme is that?)
(Side-Side Note: What Minetest servers do you play on?)
Success! I found out what tom's Icecat theme was. It was "Groovy Blue" at
With that username I was expecting you to be using Cinnamon :p
Love this, very close to my trisquel.
I like your style Gnu!
That's LXDE, is that not?
download this movietube apk 4.4versio to watch movies on android movie streaming site and tv shows
This application is proprietary software, isn't it? Moreover it probably is spyware. At the editor writes:
When it got clicked by you, it will ask your permission to take over the control of somethings. No worries! Click on Install
Below a screenshot where some of the granted permissions are shown: "read phone status and identify", "approximate location (network-based)", etc.
Here's mine: a traditional layout with the compiz window manager like in the old times. Gnome-fallback mode is being used, no Mate.
A more or less default KDE desktop, with some useful Plasma widgets:
plain but that is a good background!
out of interest why do cucumbers like cats?
because we do not eat you like humans??
Current Desktop
Slightly older one I found
Have to admit that Trisquel can be absolutely gorgeous due to it's minimalist ways.
jabjabs I like your style very mjuch!!
Someone needs an apt-get dist upgrade!
No, I'm staying in the good old times when Compiz 0.8 was in use and one needn't worry about GTK+3 :)
davidnotcoulthard I'm using compiz 0.9.7 with emerald on Belenos and it works great. Here is a tutorial I made for it:
You can used the good old animations add-ons like the fire when closing windows, and as far as I can tell no glitches on the cube or 3d windows :)
Ooh. Cooleo. Definitely will be using that to pimp my desktop.
Nice minimalistic wallpaper!
(Convert to xmonad-ism, Coffee Cup! :p)
Please help me out:
How do I
1. create costum key bindings for launching apps?
2. launch an app on startup?
Don't know why i'm doing this, i3 works fine for me but xmonad is somehow so cool oô
Here's a zip I made a while back with everything you need to get xmonad working. (Including doing what you asked about)
I probably should've attached it to the OP post, sorry.
Pièce jointe | Taille |
xmonad Configuration.tar | 9 Ko |
oh wow, thanks for sharing!
I will try it out!
How underpowered? I'm using a 1.2Ghz Core Duo :D That said it is more than enough to do what is needed nowadays.
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