Stallman uses Trisquel GNU/Linux for computation.
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Howdy, fellow trisquel hackers?
I am an avid follower of Richard M Stallman and Free Software Foundation, in perticular.
These days, RMS is using a Thinkpad X60 computer with a free initialization program (libreboot) and 'Free as in Freespeech' Trisquel GNU/Linux to carryout his daily chores.
I submit this story as a tribute to Trisquel GNU/Linux community.
Thank you! It was nice to read that page again. It now contains a lot of new stuff.
Its too bad he doesn't specify if he was using 6 or 7 of Trisquel.
I think it's still Trisquel 6 because he's still using LibreOffice 3 on this picture last Dec 27, 2014 at 313c. However, feel free to correct me on this one.

By the way, source of the screenshot is from this link:
It is awesome that he is also using this brilliant OS. It is also however a shame that it does show that the state of GNewSense is in a less than desirable place. Even if I don't use it, I don't want to see any of these 100% purely free distros fade away.
I don't use yet gNewSense, but want to try it later. Is it in a bad situation ?
I'm not surprised to see that he switched to Trisquel, It was just a matter of time.
Glad to see gNewSense is making headway. I loved 2.3 and had the devil of a time switching to Trisquel.
In retrospect though, I'm certainly glad I did!
gNewsense is alive and well.
Currently in beta phase for gNewsense 4.0 Ucclia, tracking Debian Wheezy. Work will begin soon on the next version based on Debian Jessie.
There should be more love for gNewsense and Trisquel, especially between the two communities. They are more like siblings then the other distros. Trisquel is great for those that want bleeding edge latest programs and Ubuntu additions,gNewsense for those who value stability and a more conservative approach, or for those that do not like Ubuntu or its derivatives.
i like gnewsense as it is very stable
but i wish it supported the amount of hardware trisuquel dose
do you know if more hardware will be supported in this release
as its now based of wheezy my wifi card should work?(my wifi card works in debian 7 wheezy with free software)
Yes, it should support more hardware since it is more current now. If your WiFi works under Wheezy it should work under gNewsense 4.0, if not you can always use ThinkPenguin for a USB WiFi.
just to let you know it failed to detect my network hardware (ethernet and wifi)
and it worked with only free software on debian 7 wheezy
I'd hardly call Trisquel "bleeding edge"; it's based on Ubuntu LTS releases.
Bleeding edge... relative to the Libre distros. :D
On 03.01.2015 22:50, name at domain wrote:
> Bleeding edge... relative to the Libre distros. :D
Isn't it that Parabola?
Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
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LOL, so true. This is clearly what I meant. Compared to Debian stable and the Libre distros, Trisquel is bleeding/cutting edge, while still maintaining some stability.
I would say it is the best Libre Distro (or at least near the top) for those that want the most current programs for the widest range of hardware, and also those brand new to GNU/Linux.
For those with more Linux experience or wanting something more stable, or have much older or some arcane hardware then I think it tilts towards gNewsense, especially since it is active again.
Options is one of the things that makes GNU/Linux amazing!
And yes, both support Forums are great as well! :)
Just because gNewSense is old and BLAG is outdated doesn't mean that Trisquel is "cutting edge", much less "bleeding edge". Please remember that just a few months ago, the latest version of Trisquel was Trisquel 6, which has software about as old as Debian 7 does. It won't be long before this is the status again; Debian 8 will probably become stable sometime this year.
As has already been said, the bleeding-edge libre distro is easily Parabola. Trisquel and gNewSense are both stable distros; it's just that gNewSense is currently lagging behind Debian by quite a bit, whereas Trisquel pretty closely follows the Ubuntu LTS releases. I wouldn't be surprised if gNewSense catches up in the future.
Not totally accurate but point taken.
Trisquel being based on Ubuntu does pull from Ubuntu LTS which is mainly Debian Testing, not Stable. Therefore, Trisquel's packages are more recent. This is one reason why many people recommend Trisquel or Ubuntu for those who want more recent programs. gNewsense is Debian Stable, so it will always lag behind by design, exactly like Debian Stable, however, is more stable by design as is Debian Stable. Ubuntu LTS still pulls from Testing regardless of the length of support. As opposed to reg. Ubuntu which is mainly Debian Unstable. All comes down to what a person wants or needs. Debian Stable or gNewsense=slightly older but rock solid will not break, Ubuntu which is Debian Unstable and prone to frequent breaks during upgrades or somewhere in between which is Ubuntu LTS or Debian Testing or Trisquel, not as risky as Unstable but not as rock solid as Stable, you do, however, get more up to date programs.
There is a good discussion on the askubuntu thread, dealing with servers but still applicable to the general differences:
Nice website by the way onpon!
Ubuntu LTS is taken from a snapshot of testing. For Trisquel 6/Ubuntu 12.04, this snapshot was taken at a time (probably in late 2011) when squeeze was stable and wheezy was in testing, so it has about the same package versions as Debian 7.0 wheezy. And since the snapshot of testing is taken before the feature freeze, the packages in Ubuntu 12.04 are actually a bit older than those in Debian 7.0. Similarly, the packages in Trisquel 7.0 are a bit older than those in Debian 8.0 jessie (for example GCC 4.8 vs 4.9).
Blag won't be outdated anymore. Alpha images of 20K are great. Worked like a charm for me. It comes with Gnome 3.10 and some minimal set of applications but the repository is satisfying. Most of the gnome appliations and batteries are there.
I should note that while BLAG 200k won't be outdated for another year or so, its software isn't in general newer than Trisquel 7's. But if BLAG catches up with Fedora after this next release it might be able to fulfil the role of "pretty cutting edge, but stable" that Fedora fills among mainstream distros. We'll see.
Did anyone even have that much trouble with outdated packages toward the end of Trisquel 6's run? The situation will be about the same rather soon, so I hope not.
Trisquel 6 didn't reach the end of its "run". It's not the latest anymore, but it's still supported until 2017.
I meant "outdated", such as when Ubuntu 14.04 replaced 12.04, and software began to not have binaries for 12.04, and therefore Trisquel 6.
Trisquel 6 is old at this point, but Trisquel 7 is based off of Ubuntu 14.04 which is still pretty recent. Sure, it may be from April, but nothing is stopping you from adding some PPAs.
So the version of Gnewsense based on Wheezy started when Jessie is frozen?
I'm a bit confused as to why they didn't decide to skip Wheezy and track Jessie while liberating it and maybe release Gnewsense 4 not too long after Jessie is released?
Or perhaps I'm just plain ungrateful?
Ucclia development started before Jessie was frozen. Several
contributors checked which packages from Parkes need
changes/blacklisting in the Wheezy-based release in March 2014 (more
than half a year before Jessie was frozen), I don't know if there are
any earlier public dates for the work being done.
OK. I've definitely missed that.
It was still announced after Jessie was frozen, though.
gNewsense team decided to proceed with Ucclia so it would be a natural transition from 3.0 Parkes, easier migration for the folks using Parkes.
Alot of work was already done on Ucclia and they did not want to just scrap it.
As soon as 4.0 is official (no longer beta), then work will begin on 5.0 tracking Jessie.
Stay tuned!
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