List of FSDG issues (7.0 Version)

Composant:License problems
Catégorie:Rapporter un bogue
Attribué:Non assigné

The goal of this bug is to maintain a list of bugs which are especially important to Trisquel. Those are bugs that violate the Guidelines for Free System Distributions. These bugs are the most important to be fixed because they threaten our status as a free system. This list hopefully will also be helpful for other free distros as a place to check for freedom related bugs in their own distros.


  1. Only list bugs that violate the Guidelines for Free System Distributions (e.g. recommending non-free software).
  2. Unlike the branding bug list do NOT mark the original bug as a duplicate. The reason for this is because these bugs vary in type while all those bugs simply relate to branding.
  3. When the bug is fixed it should be marked on the original bug and maked with a strikethrough on this bug report.

sam, 05/25/2013 - 20:07
Titre:List of bugs that impact free system status (Next Release)» jcadencii is recommending non-free software
Composant:License problems» Programs
Priorité:blocking» normal
Assigné à:anonymous» megurineturilli

Package: jcadencii (3.3.9+svn20110818.r1732-1)

Description: Piano roll editor for singing synthesis
Cadencii is an editor for editing VOCALOID/VOCALOID2/UTAU/WORLD/AquesTone.
It has a piano roll GUI and can input lyrics for singing synthesis.

Only WORLD is free, VOCALOID/VOCALOID2/UTAU/AquesTone are nonfree. Wine is not needed as WORLD runs natively on GNU/Linux.

sam, 05/25/2013 - 22:46
Titre:jcadencii is recommending non-free software» List of bugs that impact free system status (Next Release)
Composant:Programs» License problems
Priorité:normal» blocking
Assigné à:megurineturilli» anonymous
mer, 09/17/2014 - 06:44
Assigné à:anonymous» megurineturilli

I wrote a buxfix for this release:

lun, 01/12/2015 - 23:25

Project issue numbers (ex. [#12345]) turn into links automatically.

Please use that feature, as it shows the status of the linked issue (and it is easier ;). I cleaned up the comment list.

lun, 01/12/2015 - 23:55
Titre:List of bugs that impact free system status (Next Release)» List of FSDG issues (Next Release)
mar, 01/13/2015 - 22:32
lun, 08/10/2015 - 23:31
Version:6.0» 7.0
Assigné à:megurineturilli» anonymous
jeu, 11/17/2016 - 20:33
Titre:List of FSDG issues (Next Release)» List of FSDG issues (7.0 Version)