Magic Banana

TypePostAuteursRéponsesDernière mise à jour
Forum Topic"Your default search engine has changed." Jacob K5Il y a 18 heures 57 min
Forum TopicTrisquel, Nouveau and page sizes on Power9 bernie3Il y a 1 jour 22 heures
Forum TopicProblems with LCD screen brightness in Thinkpad T420i iShareFreedom9Il y a 1 semaine 4 min
Forum Topicpurpose of tonlee1Il y a 1 semaine 8 heures
Forum TopicHow to delete a bad BackInTime backup (of a failed/unavailable installation)? Sunny Day32Il y a 1 semaine 3 jours
Forum TopicTor and I2P mirror icarolongo9Il y a 1 semaine 4 jours
Forum TopicUnexpected output from lvextend when increasing the swap size after enlarging the swap volume Staircase13Il y a 2 semaines 3 heures
Forum TopicVSCodium mormych5Il y a 2 semaines 1 jour
Forum Topicboot-up water drip sound iceburn13Il y a 2 semaines 2 jours
Forum Topicclamav-docs ao2Il y a 2 semaines 3 jours
Forum TopicCan i made my dvd copy of the distro with imgburn? Mtris1Il y a 2 semaines 4 jours
Forum TopicProblems I am having with Trisquel gmestanley8Il y a 2 semaines 5 jours
Forum TopicRe-organize of documentation, moving content from "all-manuals" to parent site "documentation" knife5Il y a 2 semaines 5 jours
Forum TopicMissing .iso.md5 file? Staircase9Il y a 2 semaines 6 jours
Forum TopicFull Root. Cannot reallocate free space from xfs. Is a fresh install the only way? Staircase14Il y a 2 semaines 6 jours
Forum TopicAbrowser settings modified by last update? Avron20Il y a 3 semaines 23 heures
Forum Topicclementine doesn't start maduel8Il y a 3 semaines 4 jours
Forum Topicinstalling trisquel 11 option overwrite empty disk space does not work? tonlee6Il y a 4 semaines 16 heures
Forum Errigour2Il y a 4 semaines 2 jours
Forum TopicStabilité du choix de saisie clavier dans Triskel Substance200411Il y a 4 semaines 3 jours
Forum TopicHow to use BackInTime to restore (when user can't login)? Sunny Day21Il y a 4 semaines 3 jours
Forum TopicHow do I install the latest version of dino? myrcy4Il y a 4 semaines 4 jours
Forum TopicDocumentation de Trisquel Avron1Il y a 4 semaines 4 jours
Forum TopicEdge cases in free software. Other_Cody13Il y a 5 semaines 4 jours
Forum Topichow do you navigate tonlee4Il y a 6 semaines 1 jour