Magic Banana

TypePostAuteursRéponsesDernière mise à jour
Forum TopicFree Software Cellular Baseband JadedCtrl8Il y a 9 années 44 semaines
Forum TopicWhy are some packages not trustworthy? lesik20087Il y a 9 années 44 semaines
Forum TopicCan you install Trisquel without connecting to the Internet during install? thankyou_trisquell4Il y a 9 années 44 semaines
Forum Topicrelease upgrade to trisquel 7 error oshanz6Il y a 9 années 44 semaines
Forum TopicProxy (Squid3) setup Error aniketg5Il y a 9 années 44 semaines
Forum TopicIs anyone else getting a CPU spikes when you edit anything in Gedit? northernarcher62Il y a 9 années 44 semaines
Forum TopicTaskjuggler kawa2Il y a 9 années 44 semaines
Forum TopicBug Issue: Synaptic Package Manager Doesn't load? cinnamon4Il y a 9 années 44 semaines
Forum TopicBrother DCP-7055 printer amilopowers45Il y a 9 années 44 semaines
Forum TopicTrisquel mini - Audio and streaming problem scotch3Il y a 9 années 45 semaines
Forum Topic2tb hdd choosing which one taking spying firmware into account? tonlee6Il y a 9 années 45 semaines
Forum TopicFLOSS alternative to HootSuite / similar RainTeller12Il y a 9 années 45 semaines
Forum TopicHow do I enrypt an external hard drive? pogiako123453Il y a 9 années 45 semaines
Forum Topicsnowden files tomlukeywood5Il y a 9 années 45 semaines
Forum TopicAbrowser won't let me associate Gnome's mplayer with MP4 files amenex9Il y a 9 années 45 semaines
Forum Topicrepos donttazeme9Il y a 9 années 45 semaines
Forum TopicSMPlayer doesn't play youtube vids SuperTramp8311Il y a 9 années 45 semaines
Forum TopicHow did you get into GNU/Linux and Free Software? JadedCtrl41Il y a 9 années 45 semaines
Forum Topicgraphic driver ? MANHOSO16Il y a 9 années 46 semaines
Forum TopicSystemd sv0t4Il y a 9 années 46 semaines
Forum TopicTrisquel: SUGAR on TOAST activity gCompris Andresm2Il y a 9 années 46 semaines
Forum TopicIs IceCat that secure that I don't need the Tor Browser anymore? pogiako1234515Il y a 9 années 46 semaines
Forum Topic3G modems coming integrated with Next Gen Intel Atom (for real this time) Chris99Il y a 9 années 46 semaines
Forum TopicMultiplayer online games for casual players Tirifto19Il y a 9 années 46 semaines
Forum TopicMy system has been annoyingly lagging ever since I encrypted my system. pogiako123455Il y a 9 années 46 semaines