about Flash Player on Trisquel.

8 risposte [Ultimo contenuto]
Iscritto: 05/25/2015

Hi, would like to know some details about video playing on Trisquel and of course, about flash player.

Coming from factory install, and landing into youtube with Abrowser I see a message on the top left: Would you like to allow flash player to run?. or something similar. Accepting this would install this privative plugin I suppose. So I just close the browser.

Then I try with another browser: Midori, in this case the video plays... I see that it is due to html 5 player running. So I suppose there’s no flash player installed on my machine.

First: Is there something I could type on terminal to checkout if the player is installed or is it not?.

How could I erase it in case it is?.

Apart from html 5. Which alternatives could I use to play videos from youtube on Trisquel without installing flash player?. Well Midori works flawlesly but would like to play them as well in Abrowser.

Thanks in advance to those who could answer something back. Kind Regards!.

Magic Banana

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Iscritto: 07/24/2010

Trisquel does not make easy to install the proprietary Flash player, what is good. If you have not worked to install it, it is not installed.

Gnash, a free Flash player, is installed by default. You can remove it if you want, for instance from the "Synaptic package manager" in the "System settings".

Here is the relevant documentation to play videos in your Web browser without using Flash: https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/play-videos-without-using-flash

I personally use ViewTube and ViewTube+ and I try UnPlug as a last resort.

Iscritto: 02/17/2016

You can force html5 by going to this page first.


Iscritto: 12/10/2013

When Abrowser asks you about Flash, it is most likely Gnash, unless you intentionally installed Adobe Flash Player. You can go to Tools->Add-ons->Plugins to make sure.

Iscritto: 05/30/2012

Note that Gnash gets listed as "Shockwave Flash". I think the description is where you can find out if it's Gnash (not sure since I don't have Gnash installed; I have no use for it).

Iscritto: 02/17/2016



I am a translator!

Iscritto: 10/31/2014

I like smtube a lot, but you'll need to compile it (very easy) and disable javascript and cookies in the .smtube folder in /home/.config

That being said, smtube is really great for yt vids - you can search, browse, view and even download (with a tiny hack you can apply in a minute).

Iscritto: 05/25/2015

Definetly Trisquel is my favourite distro and this is my favourite forum. Thanks a lot for sharing your tips and knowledge.

Really, I knew about youtube/html5; always very helpful when browsing on old computers.

and I'll try this thing of smtube. Kind Regards!.

Iscritto: 02/17/2016

Trisquel 7 has an old version of SMTube. It can no longer connect to the Youtube server. I guess you'll have to add a PPA or compile a newer version from the source code.


The old version has been deprecated. Youtube uses a new API and a web application at Tonvid.com is now SMTube's home URL which cannot be changed. Moreover, Tonvid has been published under a non-free license. The local application has been reduced to a mere browser, basically (it can still redirect the output to youtube-dl for downloading or SMPlayer for streaming). Looks like they ruined a fantastic piece of software. Proprietary creep?


smtube_error.png smtube_ppa_new.png